Ensuring that our children have proper access to playgrounds in educational institutes
Having proper playgrounds and grounds themselves are a huge plus to the attraction and facilities of any educational institute.

Physical education is a vital part of a student's development at every stage of their life. Having proper playgrounds and grounds themselves are a huge plus to the attraction and facilities of any educational institute.
However, with the increase of sub-par private institutes most of these schools and colleges do not have proper grounds and playgrounds in order to make sure children are able to exert themselves physically. This is extremely problematic and concerning as most students are unable to exert themselves physically or get the daily exercise, they need to make sure they remain fit active and healthy.
Playgrounds need to be properly maintained and the government needs to take an active part in ensuring that all institutions have access to these facilities. However, in recent year with the rise of private schooling, institutions are so cramped nowadays that this is simply not feasible. Most parks do not have proper facilities to make sure students have a way to vent themselves even after school.
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This has led to an extremely negative impact in students who wished to pursue their careers in sports or other related fields due to the sheer lack of facilities available. We need to ensure that our children have proper access to playgrounds in higher education institutes in well. People in universities must be able to relax and exert themselves physically and universities with such small campuses and lack of facilities are simply not feasible for a balanced and healthy environment.
Ensuring that our children have proper access to playgrounds in institutes is also important simply because it encourages teamwork and companionship within them. It teaches them that it's okay to lose and starts out a competitive side in them. It keeps them motivated throughout the day and gives them the valuable lesson that there is more to life than just academics which is vital for children as most of them think that studying is the only thing that matters which is simply not true.