Ethics Manager and Garbage Designer: What Professions Will Be Popular in 10 Years?

Ethics Manager and Garbage Designer: What Professions Will Be Popular in 10 Years?

IT (Information technology) will penetrate into most areas of human activity. The world is changing and young people who want to be competitive for the next ten years must first and foremost learn, be flexible, active and open to constant change. However, often students do not have a clear plan for personal development. Ethics Manager and Garbage Designer.

In order for young people to know about the potential changes that will take place in the leading industries, to learn about what will be the new professions of the future and which may disappear altogether, the Center for Corporate Social Responsibility conducted a study "Future of Work 2030: how to prepare for changes

According to the study, one of the global trends of the next decade will be the mass reformatting of the labor market (due to the demise of a number of professions and the emergence of new ones), which will lead to the need to revise current economic models of behavior of states, businesses and workers.

Experts believe that:

  1. In 10 years Information technologies will get into the majority of spheres of human activity;
  2. Demand will be those employees who will have knowledge of technology and the ability to think creatively;
  3. An important factor for the employee of the future will be the ability to communicate with other people, the ability to quickly integrate into the team and active interaction with the team; employers will prefer those who can quickly find common ground with others;
  4. The employee of the future should be characterized by stress resistance, high organization and mobility, as it is likely that in our lives, remote work outside the office will remain for a long time.

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It is quite difficult for young people to predict in which industry they want or will work in 10 years. However, they intuitively prefer professions related to creativity, creativity, communication, management, business intelligence (journalism, marketing, SMM, acting, singing, rarely employment in finance, public administration, education), - the study said. .

Many jobs in the future are the work of today, but with even greater technology, at the same time there will be new ones:

  • Space pilot and pilot.
  • Ethics Manager.
  • Digital Rehabilitation Consultant.
  • Companion for the elderly.
  • Curator of personal memory.
  • Virtual reality travel manager.
  • Highway controller.
  • Manufacturer of body parts.
  • Digital Currency Advisor.
  • Memory surgeon.
  • Trash designer.
  • Digital Finance Specialist, Digital Currency Consultant.
  • Editor of personal pages in social networks.
  • Cyber security Specialist.

In addition, the level and depth of use of technology will grow every year in the following areas:

  • Artificial intelligence management.
  • Data analysis and management.
  • Digital-promotion, digital-sales, digital-customer services;

Those professions that can be algorithmized and / or replaced by machine analytics will completely change.

Examples of such professions today are:

  • Auditors (s), accountants (s), economists (s).
  • Travel agents.
  • Secretaries, stenographers.
  • Call center operators.
  • Drivers, truckers.
  • Encoders (s) (code developers).
  • Sports commentators.
  • Conveyor workers.

Also, professions that pose a threat to human life and health are likely to disappear. However, most professions will disappear not in form but in content, they will need qualitatively new skills. Instead, there will be specialties that will be difficult, expensive to algorithmize, as well as those that involve a high degree of creativity and creativity.