Exemption from physical education - in what situations? How to write them?

Exemption from physical education may take place in situations where a student suffers from a chronic disease in which effort is inadvisable

Exemption from physical education - in what situations? How to write them?

Exemption from physical education may take place in situations where a student suffers from a chronic disease in which effort is inadvisable or suffers an injury. The parent may also release the child from classes once due to his or her malaise. Check out our article on how to write an exemption from PE and find out how the whole procedure looks like.

Exemption from PE lessons - legal basis

Exemption from PE is granted to children and adolescents who, for health reasons, cannot attend physical education classes.The assessment of classification and promotion of students in public schools, educational requirements resulting from the Act on the education system are adapted to the individual needs of a student who has the opinion of a physician with limited ability to perform specific physical exercises in physical education classes. On the basis of a medical opinion, the school head may exempt a student from performing specific exercises or from carrying out physical education classes for the period specified in this opinion.

Exemption from PE and the assessment on the certificate

It also follows from the above-mentioned act that if the period of exemption from physical education makes it impossible to determine the mid-year or annual classification assessment, the documentation of the course of education should enter “dismissed or “not classified instead of the assessment. Physical education is then not taken into account when calculating the grade point average.

In a situation where a student was released from PE lessons during the school year and his absences do not exceed 50%. Attendance and there are grounds for issuing a grade, it may be classified. However, some establishments have different rules. A student who participated in classes in the first semester and received a six-month mark, and was dismissed in the second semester, may have "dismissed" or "not classified" on the certificate of completion of the school year.

The last situation is when the student is only excused from performing certain exercises. Then the teacher is obliged to adapt the educational requirements to the individual situation of the child and on this basis give him a grade. The final grade should be influenced by the effort that the student put into fulfilling the duties, systematic participation in classes and activity in activities undertaken by the school for physical education.

How long can I be exempt from PE?

The maximum period of exemption from PE lessons covers the entire school year. The regulations, on the other hand, do not specify a minimum period. The length of time a student is released from physical education depends on the issuing physician. Depending on the situation and medical indications, it may be one-off, short-term or long-term, e.g. exemption from PE for the whole year, month or several days.

One-off exemption from physical education

In exceptional circumstances, a parent or legal guardian has the right to release their child from PE classes once in connection with the recovery period after illness, painful menstruation or minor ailments that prevent him from exercising. The rules for using a one-time exemption from physical education are defined by individual institutions. Most schools, however, indicate that it should not exceed one week, and should also take place more often than three times per semester. The parent's exemption from PE must be written on a piece of paper or in the student's diary and presented to the teacher.

Short-term exemption from physical education

The exemption from PE may also be issued for a period of, for example, two weeks or one month. In this case, it is usually based on the opinion issued by a doctor. Exemptions not longer than one month are transferred to the physical education teacher, who is obliged to keep them until the end of the school year.

Long-term exemption from physical education

In exceptional circumstances resulting from the student's health condition, he or she may be released from physical education for a longer period, e.g. the entire semester. As in the case of short-term leave, the basis for approval by the director is a medical opinion. A student may also not participate in lessons for the entire school year - in such a case, there is a year-round (comprehensive) exemption from PE.

Partial and full exemption from physical education - how do they differ?

Partial exemption from PE means that the student actively participates in classes, but does not perform exercises that are not advisable due to his or her health condition, e.g. medium and long-distance running, standing on the head, rollovers, exercises that load the knee joints and require a lot of exercise. Physical exertion. The doctor decides what kind of activity the child should avoid. Comprehensive exemption from PE means, in turn, that the student participates in the classes passively, i.e. as an observer.

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Exemption from PE and attendance at lessons

The issue of the dismissed student's presence during classes depends on the specific institution. Most often, however, the child is obliged to passively participate and stay under the supervision of the teacher. In a situation where physical education is the first or last lesson on a given day, the child may be released from this obligation after the parents submit a written declaration and obtain the consent of the principal. The educator and PE teacher are informed about this fact. Please note that parents take full responsibility for the safety of their child while away from school.

Exemption from physical education - procedure

Exempting a student from physical education requires the passage of a procedure established by a specific school. All the necessary information should be available on the website or in the statute of the facility. The process might look like this:

  1. Parents' submission of an application for exemption from PE to the school headmaster with an attached medical opinion on the student's health condition. In the case of the first semester, the application should be submitted to the secretariat no later than September 30 of a given school year. In the case of the second semester - by the 14th day after the end of the winter break. Random situations are considered individually. However, the parent should submit the application up to 7 days after receiving the medical opinion,
  2. Decision by the school headmaster within 7 or 14 working days from the date of receipt of the application,
  3. Collection of decisions by parents at the school office,
  4. Informing the physical education teacher and the tutor about the student's exemption from classes.

Refusal of exemption from physical education - in what circumstances can this occur?

The refusal to dismiss a student from PE happens sporadically. However, it may take place in a situation where the parents or legal guardians do not provide the relevant documents on time or do not attach a medical certificate to the application on the contraindications for the child's participation in physical education lessons. In the event of a negative decision, they may apply to the education superintendent of a given voivodeship.

Exemption from PE - reasons

The main reason for exempting a student from physical education is his or her health condition, which prevents active participation in the lesson. In the case of one-off and lasting up to several days, a written request from the parent is usually enough when the child is weakened after an infection or suffers from other minor ailments. Long-term, short-term, full and partial dismissals must in turn be supported by the opinion of an internist, pediatrician, surgeon, orthopedist, ophthalmologist or other specialist. When can a long-term exemption from PE be issued? The reasons may be as follows:

  • Asthma (especially when there are frequent, severe attacks of breathlessness directly related to exercise),
  • Chronic rheumatic disease causing difficulty in moving,
  • High myopia and other diseases that may cause detachment of the retina,
  • Convalescence after orthopedic or surgical procedures,
  • Severe forms of cerebral palsy,
  • Heart defects with circulatory failure,
  • Neprotic syndrome in the period of exacerbation,
  • Some mental disorders,
  • Severe curvatures of the spine,
  • Myocarditis,
  • Gynecological diseases,
  • artical-traumatic conditions,

How to write an exemption from PE? Application pattern

In order to release a child from physical education, it is necessary to write an application addressed to the director of the selected facility. It should contain the details of the parent / legal guardian or an adult student, such as the name and surname, address and telephone number, data of the addressee (director of the facility) and a justification that will allow the management to make a decision.