Fake universities Verification methods

is in fact invalid. Therefore, when choosing a university, you should be extremely careful. Fake universities Verification methods.

Fake universities Verification methods
Fake universities Verification methods

There are now hundreds of mirage branches and other educational institutions that do not have accreditation, whose diploma is in fact invalid. Therefore, when choosing a university, you should be extremely careful. Fake universities Verification methods.

Higher education diploma is a cherished dream of many. Taking the opportunity, universities open so-called "branches" across the country. However, such departments do not always provide the appropriate level of teaching and may issue a non-existent diploma.

How to distinguish a university mirage from a real educational institution?

  1. Check the license

Before entering the university, ask the admissions committee to show you the license of the Ministry of Education. If you are denied, know that something is wrong here. In this case, it is better to contact the Ministry of Education and find out whether this university or branch has the right to teach. To do this, you must send a written request to the State Accreditation Commission under the Ministry of Education and Science.

Warning! If you join a branch, the license must be issued by the branch, not the university to the founder.

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  1. What should be in the license

  • Full name of the university
  • Educational and qualification level of the university and areas of student training
  • Its validity
  • Legal address of the higher educational institution

  1. Be careful - fake!

Unfortunately, the practice of slipping a forgery instead of a state license is still in place. And it is almost impossible to distinguish them - technical progress has gone far. In addition, many licenses were revoked, so even after seeing the document, you should conduct an additional check:

  • Even if you have been presented with a license, but you still have doubts, check its validity,
  • Read on the Internet reviews of students about the university;
  • In the admission commissions you can request information about the demand for graduates of this university in the labor market;
  • Pay attention to the teaching staff: an important indicator is the presence of doctors of science working in this university.

Especially carefully informal.pk recommends checking universities, the names of which indicate "branch", "department", "faculty at ...". Remember: every self-respecting and reputable educational institution will provide you with the necessary documents with the first request. If this does not happen - it is better to insure yourself in advance and refuse to enter an unreliable university, because for inspection it may not be an educational institution.