Fatphobia: An extremely uncomfortable topic
Fatphobia is one of the most perverse social constructs. This is because it makes people fear what we all have in common: the

Fatphobia is one of the most perverse social constructs. This is because it makes people fear what we all have in common: the diversity of our body shapes.
Living on the other side of what is considered normal by much of society puts a heavy burden on each individual. Society has many rules creating barriers that everyone has to cross in their communities. Most people feed on socially constructed myths, many of which are obviously toxic.
For example, a phobia is a basic element, often hidden in ill-conceived care, that only leads to frustration, pain, and personality disorders. This phenomenon affects people with a body mass index (BMI) that is higher than "normal".
The word "fat" has many connotations, many of which are negative. People who profit from the insecurity of others often make use of numerous innuendo and assumptions. Many companies try to enrich by using various dirty tricks.
Prejudice and phobia
Many people find that someone with a BMI higher than what is considered normal is dissatisfied. You may even be one of them. It's perfectly understandable because that's what culture has taught you. You just assume it.
Besides, you may also mistakenly believe that heavier people lack willpower and are unable to give up certain foods or head to the gym.
Culture enhances such a selfish view of the world. Seeing yourself this way can help you feel better. After all, you are strong and able to take care of yourself. This is why you are thinner.
You're just assuming that every heavier person doesn't like their body and doesn't want to change it because they are too weak-willed. You are convinced that such a person is too weak to give up junk food.
It is much easier to adopt this mindset rather than admit the possibility that the fat person likes himself as he is. Perhaps in that case you would have to admit to yourself how much you inhibit. How many pleasant things can you give up.
Plus, it's much easier to assume that they wouldn't be able to change even if they wanted to, because it comes down to a question of strength. Thus, this way of thinking reinforces the belief that everyone is in a position to control their bodies. That no one will ever be fat if he "does the right thing." However, the reality is quite different.
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People's reactions
Most people view obese people with compassion and pity. We react in a similar way to the confession that someone suffers from some incurable disease. Instead of saying, "Nice to meet you," we want to say, "I'm sorry" or "You can do it." Perhaps you would like to introduce such a person to a friend who lost weight drastically and did not have the yo-yo effect.
When your own behavior hurts you
Fatphobia is one of the most limiting views on the world. All because it is about self-rejection and hating a part of yourself. However, such attempts only hurt you. After all, many people try to follow this path. They cut themselves off from their body and try to ignore it, the way some ignore a salesman gossiping sweet nonsense.
The price they pay is very high. People who hate their bodies stop paying attention to the signals they send out. Pain is not visible until it is too late and the consequences can be irreversible. Besides, all symptoms are associated with excess weight. This is the beginning of the end.
Many obese people who also suffer from phobia stop enjoying certain activities, such as playing sports, spending days at the pool, and even long showers. They don't care about how others perceive them. First of all, they don't want to see themselves. They want to hide a body they can't stand.
They stop liking their body and lose symbiosis with it. Their lives become a battleground. Fatphobia is often the result of unnatural desire and learned self-censorship. Such persons are always disciplined by the strict judges sitting in them, who rarely show forbearance, understanding and love, even towards