First job - how to find it and what to remember about it?

Are you graduating soon? Are you wondering how to direct your career path? Here are a handful of tips that can prove very useful at

First job - how to find it and what to remember about it?

Are you graduating soon? Are you wondering how to direct your career path? Here are a handful of tips that can prove very useful at the beginning of your career.

Looking for a job at the beginning of your career path - practical tips

Many people leave their careers to "blind fate". Unfortunately, this approach does not always work. After some time, we may realize that we are in a place where we do not want to be at all. Our career did not go as it promised, and therefore we lose our motivation and willingness to continue working, work does not give us pleasure and satisfaction, we even go to it out of force. That's not the point! The main thing is to plan your professional path properly. The key to success is conscious and wise management of your career by understanding your values €¹€¹and ambitions, constantly monitoring the labor market and being open to new opportunities, experiences and opportunities.

The first job is not always the one you will do throughout your life. Take time to try. Check what you feel best in, what gives you the greatest satisfaction. You can start your professional activity already during your studies. Use internships and internships offered by your university, try your hand at odd jobs. You can also start looking for junior jobs. While working in such a position, you will have contact with various departments, tasks and projects. Thanks to this, you will check what you feel best in, what gives you the greatest pleasure.

You now know more or less what you would like to do, so it's time to define your career goals. Think about what you would like to achieve, where do you see yourself in 5 or 10 years from now, how do you envision your professional career. Remember that your goals should be in line with the SMART principle - that is, easy to understand, measurable, acceptable, realistic and defined in time.

Your CV plays a major role in your job search. A CV is a showcase that confirms your competences, experience and education. This is a document that potential employers come into contact with before they even get to know you in person. Incorrectly prepared CV can affect your career! Remember that the document must be legible. All information should be presented in a clear, understandable way. It is also important that they are truthful!

How to look for a job?

Research is of great importance when looking for a job. Keep up to date with job offers in your city. Check job offers on classifieds websites regularly. Thanks to this, you will not miss any advertisements that might be of interest to you.


Searching for a job in your city has no effect? So think about going abroad! Currently, more and more young people decide to move to another country for work. Working abroad means not only better earnings and a change in the environment, but also an opportunity to broaden your horizons, new, interesting challenges and a chance for amazing development. Open up to new possibilities. And who knows, maybe going abroad will bring a lot of good and have a positive impact on your career¦.