Five ways to be happier right now
Five ways to be happier right now. Do you have a list of things you would like to change? Example:Your life (you would like to have more

Five ways to be happier right now. Do you have a list of things you would like to change? Example:
- Your life (you would like to have more free time; earn more money; you want your life to be more interesting).
- You yourself (you would like to be in better physical shape; be more patient or carefree).
- Your child (you want her to be more independent and responsible).
Sometimes it seems to us that we could be happier if a miracle happened and everything in our lives instantly turned out to be perfect
Even if certain components of your life change for the better, this is not enough for happiness. Research shows that even implementing the desired changes does not make people happy in the long run. To do this, they need to change their perception.
But there is also good news. Although you may not achieve perfection, you can still be happier by remaining the way you are. Scientists have proven that you can change your perception and thus be happier.
Consider the strategies you can use to do this.
- Be grateful
Gratitude makes us happier. There are moments of suffering in everyone's life, sometimes it seems that there are more than happy moments. But even in difficult times, you can find something positive. Try to find a way to focus as much as possible on the positive. Parents can re-experience the joy of raising a child by beginning to appreciate and praise her. In addition, it is also important for the child that his parents accept him. This contributes to its development.
- Pay attention to the positive moments in your life
It is well known that optimists are happier, have a fuller relationship, stronger health, live longer. Learn to see the glass half full.
- Do not reject your feelings, even those that cause you discomfort
People do not like discomfort. Therefore, feeling uncomfortable, we try to avoid situations that cause such feelings, or freeze them. But it prevents us from feeling the joy of being. The only way out is to live uncomfortable emotions. Feelings of sadness, frustration, etc. hide certain information. When we realize what is behind our heavy emotions, they will leave us.
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How to learn to accept your negative feelings? Any meditation techniques will help you. Studies show that daily meditation for an hour helps to readjust the brain and become happier in just eight weeks. You do not need to make an effort. Just sit for 10 minutes with your eyes closed, pay attention to your feelings. Don't try to change your breathing or lose your thoughts - just feel them. If you feel discomfort, do not try to avoid it - just pay attention to your feelings and accept them.
Eventually, you will notice that you like silence, you feel curious about your negative emotions, not the desire to avoid them. Eventually, you will feel more cheerful and happy.
- Accept your life as it is
We would all like our lives to be perfect. But we do not need to be perfect to achieve happiness. In fact, the pursuit of perfection interferes with our happiness: we always compare reality to some unattainable ideal instead of appreciating what we have. It's like a constant struggle with life.
Give up trying to be perfect, accept the real situation in your life. You can make an effort to achieve life changes, but if you think positively and accept reality, you will be able to influence a situation more effectively.
- Show love
To be happy, you need to accept and love yourself with all your imperfect traits. It is important for parents to love and accept not only their children but also themselves.
Unconditional self-love is what helps you to love your child unconditionally. Every child needs love and acceptance, and every child deserves it. Unconditional love is also a means of solving many problems of children's behavior (and the rest are solved as the child grows).
These strategies can change your life step by step. Just start today: accept and love yourself for who you are. You will notice that you show more love for your child. How you talk to your child now will affect their future.
Nothing will stop you from loving yourself, no matter what shortcomings you have. Nothing will stop you from becoming happier. So don't delay and start right now!