"Foundation" of entrepreneurship for children

Modern parents often have a question: can they somehow lay the foundations of their future successful entrepreneurial activity

"Foundation" of entrepreneurship for children
entrepreneurship, Optimism, opportunities, attention and empathy,

Seven skills to teach your child now for social success in the future

Modern parents often have a question: can they somehow lay the foundations of their future successful entrepreneurial activity in their children. Experts have identified a number of relevant key areas on the development of which parents can exert a significant influence.

Why is this so important? To become successful people in our changing world, children need a radically new set of skills. By helping them develop an entrepreneurial spirit, parents thereby provide children with a solid foundation for identifying (recognizing), advancing and achieving success.

Here are seven basic skills you should cultivate in your child now to succeed as an entrepreneur in the future.

  1. Thirst for research, openness to new experiences

Children are born to explore. They are open, show interest in everything that happens in the surrounding world. Free-form learning, "play-based learning," is a proven way to improve readiness, learnability, and develop curiosity that children will retain throughout their lives. They must move according to the dictates of their soul, explore, discover, and reinforce everything with their enthusiasm and wonder.

Adults who are open to new experiences also keep their "Radar Screens" constantly on. They see opportunities where others don't, and embrace challenges and potential opportunities for future success both in the workplace and in their lives in general.

  1. Ingenuity, innovation

Innovation consists not only in the invention of new technologies and forms of business. Today's children must be constant innovators, inventing new solutions and approaches to problems. Allow them to test their ideas through games or schoolwork (without criticizing), as finding their own solutions helps develop and reinforce creativity and critical thinking skills. Also, do your best to cultivate an environment where failure is treated with understanding and tolerance, and sometimes with gratitude. Inventors are constantly experimenting and know that failure still leads to success.

  1. Optimism

If you single out one character trait associated with an entrepreneur, it will be optimism. Successful entrepreneurs are confident that they can change the situation for the better through their own efforts. Optimists are given a real life, career and good health. To awaken and strengthen a child's optimism, structure his day in a positive way, show an example of optimistic thinking and problem solving, and also cultivate a sense of gratitude. And remember that optimism is transitory. If mom and dad have a positive outlook on life, children will inevitably pick up on that outlook.

  1. Diligence

Successful kids or adults aren't afraid to get their hands dirty, sometimes literally. In order for children to develop a healthy and respectful attitude to work, they must receive an "Internal" reward (joy and satisfaction) for a job well done. Parents should not give in to the temptation to smooth out the bumps in their child's path or do for them what they are perfectly capable of doing on their own. One of the proven ways to develop diligence in a child is household duties. Researchers have found that doing homework from an early age is strongly associated with personal and academic success twenty years later.

  1. Search for opportunities

Children should be able to seek additional opportunities €œ academic, social, personal and physical €œ without fear of negative consequences. When children feel safe and supported, they develop the self-confidence they need to trust their own judgment, intuition, and freely take advantage of opportunities that arise.

  1. The ability to please people

The ability to like people, acquired in childhood, eventually leads to success in adulthood. It is important to note that this is not the same as popularity. The ability to like people is the ability to interact well with others, to be friendly and benevolent. Parents play a major role in the development of their children's social readiness. They can teach them to resolve conflicts without becoming unpleasant. Repulsive or aggressive, and can also set an example of effective cooperation with other people, improve their children's communication skills.

  1. Empathy

There is one character trait that entrepreneurs value above all else and consider key to success €œ the ability to be helpful to other people. In any endeavor, unless you first bring something that everyone wants or needs, you will never succeed. Kids may have exceptional resumes, but a sense of guilt and a lack of empathy will ultimately hinder their success. Talk about your emotions and help your child understand that other people's feelings are just as important. Empathy and compassion will change their world and life for the better.


Not every child will grow up to be an entrepreneur. But everyone can benefit from basic entrepreneurial skills to help kids navigate this complex world. As traditional life and career paths change and disappear. Children must be able to adapt and learn at every stage of life. Like entrepreneurs, they must make their way in this world €œ a world where there is no road map to guide them. Parents can help children get on a path where they will use their talents and abilities to achieve success for themselves and others.