John McCarthy known best as the founder of
artificial intelligence was an American computer scientist. Born on September 4, 1927, John McCarthy was an unexplainably intelligent man. Since his early years he proved his devotion and interest in Mathematics as a subject. John McCarthy graduated from his high school two years earlier than he was supposed to and got enrolled in Caltech University in 1944. Due to his interest and talent in Mathematics he was also able to skip his first two years of Math in Caltech. Founder of Artificial Intelligence John McCarthy.
Artificial Intelligence was launched in 1956 in a conference in Dartmouth, where John McCarthy among others presented a proposal in which he used the term ËœArtcurial Intelligence„¢. But John McCarthy interest in it had developed far before, ever since he attended a conference on ËœCerebral Mechanisms in Behavior.„¢ For the rest of his life, he worked to develop this field of computer science and build on his idea that machines too need to have the capability to think so we can extract benefits from them.
The programming language for Artificial Intelligence, ËœLISP„¢; the basis of voice recognition including ËœSIRI„¢, was also developed by John McCarthy. He was a core member in establishing the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at Stanford which further proved his contributions in this field. Moreover, John McCarthy presented the idea of ËœComputer Networking„¢ which made the cost of computers significantly go down by letting users share data.
In his lifetime John McCarthy wrote several books including ËœDefending AI„¢ and ËœFormalizing Common Sense„¢. For his contributions to the Artificial Intelligence field, John McCarthy received numerous awards with the most prominent being the ËœTuring Award 1971„¢ and the ËœIJCAI Reward for Research Excellence 1985„¢. These awards recognize John McCarthy significance as a scientist in the field of Computer Science. Indeed, he was a prominent figure and is still known as the founder of Artificial Intelligence around the globe.