Girls brains mature earlier than boys

Girls brains mature earlier than boys, as one study shows. At around age 10, neuron trimming begins as well as reorganization of the brain to

Girls brains mature earlier than boys
Girls brains mature earlier than boys

Girls brains mature earlier than boys, as one study shows. At around age 10, neuron trimming begins as well as reorganization of the brain to promote faster and more efficient connections.

Somehow science has long since sensed that girls' brains mature, on average, earlier than boys. However, a study at the University of Newcastle confirmed this hypothesis with real data.

Moreover, it is even known that this advantage in the neurological development of girls may appear up to ten years earlier than in boys. It should be remembered that individual differences are very large and cannot be explained solely on the basis of gender.

However, one aspect should be well explained. Just because girls 'brains develop earlier than boys' brains doesn't mean they have more intellectual potential. Essentially, it just means that between the ages of 10 and 12, they have better brain organization and higher neurological activity.

Boys, on the other hand, begin the same puberty process between the ages of 15 and 21.

In other words, the development of both sexes follows the same neuromaturation processes that occur in a slightly different period. Ultimately, however, they will allow them to reach a brain that is ready to interact with the environment with greater capacity for reflection, attention, and less impulsiveness, etc.

This is what we call the transition from childhood to adult. However, girls start this process earlier.

Similarly, it is worth highlighting a detail that neuroscientists also tell us about. There are circumstances nowadays to which our little ones are sensitive on a neurological level.

We commonly observe sedentary lifestyles today, social separation and a clear preference for digital stimuli and even external pressure to get only good results. All of this eventually takes up play time, causing children to take longer to reach their full potential.

Why do girls' brains mature earlier than boys?

Researchers from the University of Newcastle in the United Kingdom conducted a study in 2013, which obtained unexpected results. The purpose of this work, as explained by a professor in the department of psychology at this university, was to understand the connection level of the human brain between the ages of 4 and 40.

While doing the tests and MRI, they realized something very important. Girls aged 10 to 12 had more mature brains than boys.

But what do we mean when we use the term "mature"? This suggests that the brain has already started the process of trimming neural connections that it does not consider important to successfully reorganize the brain.

Let's see more data to understand it better.

Girls' brains have fewer connections, but they are stronger and more refined

If we were to say that a skillful, strong brain with good potential is one with fair and appropriate levels of connections, many people may feel confused.

We often think that the more neural connections we have, the more resources, competences and skills we will have. However, this is not the key. In fact, it is believed that one of the main problems of people with autism is their hyper connectivity.

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  • So, one of the principles of baby brain development is proper neuron pruning. Babies are born with nearly 100 billion neurons. Up to about two years, a large number of synapses are formed. However, from this age the so-called neuron trimming begins.
  • The goal is to destroy those connections (synapses) that aren't used and to strengthen (myelinate) those that aren't used. This buff will make the remaining connections faster and more effective and efficient. This process of trimming neurons only ends after 20 years.
  • And it is the research conducted at the University of Newcastle that girls 'brains mature earlier than boys' brains. This process takes place in them between the ages of 10 and 15. For their part, boys complete this process at the age of 20 or 21.

The need to improve the neural connections in the brain of children and adolescents

The fact that girls 'brains mature earlier than boys' brains does not in any way mean that they should receive a differentiated education. In fact, the thing that the experts point to, and which we already commented on at the beginning, is focused on something else.

They emphasize the need to care for the educational, emotional and personal conditions of children so that they can achieve effective neural connectivity.

What do we mean by that? We want to influence some very basic facts. For example, a child's brain shouldn't sit around all day. Children need movement, exploring, exploring, playing, interacting with other children, experiencing impressions, emotions, feelings ...

It is true that girls 'brains mature earlier than boys' brains. But we need to create the most appropriate conditions for both sexes to develop in the best possible way, using their full potential. To this end, it does not hurt to recall those dimensions that can most help you achieve this goal.

How to optimize children's brain development?

The first strategy is to take care of the emotions of the youngest. Factors such as a healthy attachment, ensuring love, security, and healthy relationships in the family environment are essential. From there, it is very important that we help children manage and understand their emotions.

  • Another fundamental pillar is a proper diet. It is better to choose healthy products, avoiding industrial baking, saturated fat, etc.
  • Then it is important that we favor physical activity, exercise, play, manual activities, building things with our hands.
  • Likewise, we must not forget that children should have social contact with their peers, that they should play together and learn to cooperate with each other.
  • In addition, factors such as stress and anxiety have a severe negative impact on the baby's brain.

Finally, we must not forget a certain cornerstone in raising a child. It's about a child's curiosity. We should awaken it and satisfy it. Stimulate their ability to amaze, be inventive, create, experiment, make mistakes, correct them, try, feeling and discovering the world at their own pace.

Children's brain has its stages of development, but we also have the opportunity (and the obligation) to optimize this process by facilitating it appropriately.