Government should close schools on friday instead of monday
President Serving Schools Association Riza-ur-Rahman demanded review of the Government's decision to close schools for three days

Lahore : The Serving Schools and Colleges Association (SCAP) on Monday appealed for reconsideration of its decision to close schools on Monday. If it is necessary to do so, schools should be closed on Friday instead of Monday. According to details, President Serving Schools Association Riza-ur-Rahman demanded review of the Government's decision to close schools for three days in view of Smog. The scope of safety measures should be widened so that schools are not closed. He said that school hours should be changed so that children can come to school regularly and there is no danger of Smog and parents should send their children wearing masks so that children are safe from Smog. Children have already suffered a great loss of education and are no longer able to afford further loss. "We have not yet been able to offset the educational losses incurred by the children during the Corona Parade, so we urge the Government to continue the process of education," he said. In this regard, schools and parents should once again fulfill their responsibility and follow all safety precautions.