Graduation Ceremony & Annual day of Pak-Turkish Maarif School Rawalpindi Campus was celebrated with great enthusiasm

Annual day of Pak-Turkish Maarif School Rawalpindi Campus was celebrated on Saturday, March 12, 2022 in the auditorium

Graduation Ceremony & Annual day of Pak-Turkish Maarif School Rawalpindi Campus was celebrated with great enthusiasm
Graduation Ceremony & Annual day of Pak-Turkish Maarif School Rawalpindi Campus

Annual day of Pak-Turkish Maarif School Rawalpindi Campus was celebrated on Saturday, March 12, 2022 in the auditorium of Pak-Turkish Maarif School with great enthusiasm and in an orderly manner. On this occasion the school auditorium was decorated with flowers and colorful balloons. Minister of plenipotentiary Yemen, Abdullah Hassan Hussain Obaid was the chief guest. The little ones and the school administration welcomed the special guest with a bouquet of flowers.

The ceremony began with the recitation of Surah Ar-Rahman with Urdu and English translation and the national anthems of Pakistan and Turkey were recited with great enthusiasm, and respect. Sadia Hameed, Principal, Pak-Turkish Maarif School, Rawalpindi Campus and Sumeyye Kevser, Campus Director welcomed the parents and guests in the program and gave a brief overview of the school's objectives and achievements.

Annual report of academic and extracurricular activities for 2022-2021 was presented to parents and guests via video. The students of class IV presented a beautiful combination of classical and mystic music . Students and music teacher received praise from the chief guest and parents for this beautiful mystical performance.

The students from pre-nursery to class VI in the program presented a tableau and beautiful dhammal consisting of moral, corrective, educational, cultural and patriotic performances. The students of class IV presented Kalam e Iqbal Shikwa - Jawab e Shikwa to the audience in a good manner. By quoting verses and hadiths, highlighting social evils and presented the rise of Muslims .

The era of the Rightly Guided Caliphs, the Muslim leader Rumi, Tipu Sultan, Jaber bin Hayyan, Salahuddin Ayubi and the Ottoman Caliphate was shown which received astounding applause.

The students of 5th class presented a special tableau against the social evils in the society. At the end, KG and fifth grade students performed the graduation song. Pak-Turkish Maarif Rawalpindi Campus Principal Saadia Hameed, Campus Director Sumeyye Kevser and chief guest along with all the graduated of KG and 5th class were awarded honorary certificates and shields.

The teachers were awarded special certificates by Ms. Ghazala , Principal, Pak-Turkish School, F-11 Campus.

The special guest and the parents appreciated the efforts of the school management teachers and children after witnessing the well organized program.

Sadia Hameed, Principal Pak-Turkish Maarif School- Rawalpindi Campus, thanked the chief guest appreciated the hard working teachers of the school for paying attention not only to the education and training of the children, but also to their character building. Celebrating the annual day gives the school a chance to showcase its accomplishments as well as give students a chance to show case their abilities and build their confidence and interact with teachers in a more informal environment and make relationships more enjoyable.