Habits that take care of the brain and reduce the risk of dementia

reduce the potential risk of cognitive decline and dementia. Habits that take care of the brain and reduce the risk of dementia.

Habits that take care of the brain and reduce the risk of dementia
Habits that take care of the brain and reduce the risk of dementia

Plasticity is one of the brain's most striking features. We all have time to make changes to a healthy brain and thus reduce the potential risk of cognitive decline and dementia. Habits that take care of the brain and reduce the risk of dementia.

There are many habits that take care of the brain. They work this way no matter how old you are and what lifestyle you have led so far. Thanks to them, the necessary changes take place that resemble a real revolution for our well-being. But most of all, they benefit from the health of the brain, which we so often neglect without knowing it.

In The Secret Life of the Brain, points out that we spend our lives worried, anxious and bored. Not understanding that we are one of the happiest creatures in this world. We don't always appreciate the extraordinary sophistication that characterizes our neurological universe.

We often forget how extraordinary humans are, endowed with one of nature's most unique organs.

The brain contains not only information about who we are, but also about who we can become. One of its basic features is plasticity. It is the ability by which we can modify predetermined habits or knowledge by learning new things.

This then leads to increased happiness and prevention of more than one disease. Do you know and use habits that take care of the brain?

Habits that take care of the brain: The 12 Commandments

Many of us attribute different types of dementia, such as Alzheimer's, to people in the older age group. We see it as that sad disease that our grandparents or parents suffer from when they reach the age of 70 or 80.

Now, we are ignoring the fact that this type of neurodegenerative disease begins to develop quietly in youth. So it actually starts at an earlier age than we think.

Experts in the field, are addressing this topic. It shows us that we can and should be proactive in inhibiting the onset of cognitive decline.

Moreover, a study published by The Lancet in 2020 highlights another important point.

A group of 28 experts conducted an exhaustive research analysis to conclude that there are a number of lifestyle habits that can reduce the risk of developing dementia by up to 40%.

Yet we all want to enjoy every stage of our life free from the damage caused by cognitive decline. Therefore, it will not hurt anyone if they start using those habits that, according to science, take care of our brain.

  1. Control your blood pressure to live better

Hypertension is mankind's silent and deadly enemy. Not only does it endanger the circulatory system, it also affects blood flow badly and disrupts the nutrition that reaches the brain. Therefore, it is recommended to take the following into account:

  • Reduce your salt intake.
  • See your doctor for regular check-ups and take medications to regulate your blood pressure if necessary.
  • To lead an active life, practicing sports regularly.
  • Take control of the sources of anxiety and everyday stress.

  1. Again ... no smoking (and beware of secondhand smoke as well)

We all know the health effects of tobacco. However, beyond the known carcinogenic risk, we cannot underestimate the effect that cigarettes have on the brain.

In addition, it is not enough to quit smoking. It is important not to be exposed to smoke from people around us who have not yet given up this harmful habit.

  1. The habits that care for the brain also apply to alcohol: stay away from it for better brain health

The alcohol problem continues to have a huge impact on society. It's good to know that excessive alcohol consumption prevents the brain from generating new neurons. Thus, it reduces its functionality, while increasing the risk of mental disorders and dementia.

  1. The problem of cities with high pollution

Habits that care for the brain include one that is not always easy to achieve. Living in a pollution-free environment also reduces the risk of disease and cognitive decline.

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As far as possible, let us keep our lives in a pollution-free environment, as these harmful atmospheres adversely affect the functioning of our brain.

  1. The best investment? Increase your cognitive reserve

We define the cognitive reserve as that neuropsychological construct that allows us to deal with age-related changes in the brain or some pathology. Something as basic and simple as staying intellectually active causes the size of the reserve to increase.

So the neurological connections are stronger, and as a result, the aging process has much less effect on us.

Therefore, among the habits that take care of the brain, let's not forget about cultivating our curiosity, learning new things every day, reading and discovering. Let us maintain enriching conversations, let us play memory games or cognitive stimulation ...

  1. Habits that take care of your brain: A healthy weight helps you enjoy a better quality of life

We know obesity is a risk factor for many different diseases: diabetes, cardiovascular problems, cancer ... But being overweight also increases the risk of developing dementia.

Therefore, do not hesitate to go to the experts (nutritionists, endocrinologists, psychologists ...) to lose excess weight.

  1. The link between depression and dementia: Seek help with treating this disorder

This information is very important. Research from the University of Cambridge shows that there is a link between depression and dementia. Studies over 35 years show us that people who have had left untreated major depression have a higher risk of developing cognitive decline.

So don't underestimate your mood disorders!

  1. Watch out for falls, accidents and injuries

Head injuries can cause permanent and dangerous brain damage. Occasionally, we may fall over or be hit and begin to show changes in how our brain functions shortly thereafter.

The car is the biggest trigger for this type of accident. That is why we always try to fasten the seat belts and drive carefully.

  1. Take care of your hearing loss

Hearing loss is not a minor problem. We know, for example, that hearing loss is associated with depression. And if these problems are not cared for, they cause gradual isolation. These factors then cause psychological weakness. Yet this is something that we could actually easily avoid using hearing aids.

  1. Habits that take care of the brain are related to the prevention of diabetes

Diabetes significantly increases the risk of vascular dementia. Keep in mind that we can all avoid developing type 2 diabetes by introducing better habits in our lifestyle.

Lowering sugar consumption, taking care of our diet and practicing sports regularly have a positive effect on our overall health.

  1. Do exercise regularly

We don't have to be athletes. It is enough to simply adopt an active lifestyle that includes, for example, a daily 30-minute walk. Go swimming, dancing, cycling or discover the type of sport that best suits your needs.

You can undoubtedly reduce the risk of dementia in this simple way.

  1. Take care of your social life

The habits that care for the brain include one more that you can't miss: good social relationships. Spending time with friends, sharing interesting experiences, and enjoying conversations are all channels of well-being.

Also having a partner with whom to build a happy life. Building a relationship where there is no shortage of projects keeps us active, happy and optimistic. Taking care of all these habits, we sow seeds of well-being that pay off in our mental health and good brain condition.