
Stress in a child - how to deal with it?

Stress in a child - how to deal with it?

Stressful situations affect all of us, regardless of age. Increasingly, stress-r...

Low-grade fever and stress. Can stress cause a fever?

Low-grade fever and stress. Can stress cause a fever?

Low-grade fever is a body temperature between 36.7 and 38 degrees Celsius. It ca...

Anxiety: the 14 most common symptoms

Anxiety: the 14 most common symptoms

Anxiety or fear can turn everyday situations into something that becomes a real ...

Tips on how to motivate students to eat healthy

Tips on how to motivate students to eat healthy

The child's nutrition significantly affects not only the state of organs and sys...

Vitamins and trace elements that are difficult to provide in the diet

Vitamins and trace elements that are difficult to provi...

Our menu should provide not only the right amount of protein, carbohydrates and ...

Four tips on how to prevent burnout

Four tips on how to prevent burnout

Chronic fatigue and constant stress. Impairment of labor and problematic adminis...

How to concentrate when your brain is not set up for work

How to concentrate when your brain is not set up for work

The brain gets tired, even if you don't notice it right away. Alternate time of ...

Why is it necessary to take care of the back?

Why is it necessary to take care of the back?

It is important to take care of your back while exercising. Thanks to this, you ...

Performance in sport - rest and regeneration

Performance in sport - rest and regeneration

If you want to maximize your athletic performance, rest and recovery after train...

Eustress and distress “ Lets tell you the difference in between ?

Eustress and distress “ Lets tell you the difference ...

It is stress that got us where we are all today because it alerts us to potentia...

Dance to keep in shape - which one should you choose?

Dance to keep in shape - which one should you choose?

If you like to move your body to music with different rhythms, dancing to stay i...

Work as a speech therapist - earnings and requirements

Work as a speech therapist - earnings and requirements

A speech impediment usually manifests itself at the stage of childhood. Although...

Spinning and indoor cycling - what's the difference?

Spinning and indoor cycling - what's the difference?

Spinning and indoor cycling are sometimes confused. This is not surprising, beca...

Fast weight loss and muscle build-up: 5 effective exercises

Fast weight loss and muscle build-up: 5 effective exerc...

Losing weight is the result of a healthy lifestyle, i.e. a balanced diet and reg...

Ways to get rid of migraines

Migraine headaches, also called migraines, are excruciating pain that leaves you...

Frequent contact with nature has a positive effect on children's brains

Frequent contact with nature has a positive effect on c...

The more you come into contact with nature, the better it is for the human brain...