Highest School Dropout Rates Expected in Pakistan

A very high number of high school dropout rates are expected in Pakistan due to the impact of the pandemic on various sectors. The largest

Highest School Dropout Rates Expected in Pakistan
Highest School Dropout Rates Expected in Pakistan

A very high number of high school dropout rates are expected in Pakistan due to the impact of the pandemic on various sectors. The largest impact is on schools due to fear of the corona virus. The world bank has stated that about 930k additional children will be dropping out of primary and secondary education.

Also, about 22 million children are already dropped out of school which is a staggering 4.2 percent of Pakistan students. Pakistan is the country where here will be the highest number of high school dropouts in the world due to general poverty and lack of education. This observation was done on the income disparity for different economic quantities in June.

Th highest school dropouts rates are also seen when the report says that 930k children will drop out of school which is translated to an increase of about 1.3 percentage points of children out of school. The overall percentage of children who will go out of school will be about 28.6 per cent.

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The report also states that the amount of people who will be uneducated will increase a lot and learning poverty will go to 80 per cent according to the government of Pakistan. The highest school dropout rates expected in Pakistan are extremely problematic for the education sector. This is due to the fact that government is already dealing with a lack of education.

This will cost the Pakistani economy about 78 billion dollars in terms of gross domestic product due to an educated workforce. This is mainly due to high poverty levels which leads families to force their children into child labor or to get married extremely early. The cost of private schooling has increased by 50 per cent which has led to children dropping out further.

The high school dropouts are expected to increase by a much greater amount. The report also estimates that school closures during the pandemic will also result in a very great loss of 0.4 years of learning schools for the average student. Pakistani children currently are dropping out at a very high rate and thus Pakistani high school dropouts are expected to increase.