How can teachers impact child behavior?

asserting their instructions and commands trying to redirect such students behavior. How can teachers impact child behavior.

How can teachers impact child behavior?
How can teachers impact child behavior?

Teachers can mould students what they want them to be like as an individual. Yet, there are children who feel troubled with following their teachers„¢ lead. There are also students who act up therefore, teachers have to spend a lot of energy in repeatedly asserting their instructions and commands trying to redirect such students„¢ behavior. How can teachers impact child behavior.

Teachers need to need some strategies to tackle this situation where students do not follow what they are told to do. The first thing an educator can do to manage problematic behavior is to flip the p[paradigm; start praising children for who they are. This way students will start showing better behavior when appreciated.

Teachers have to do so much on daily basis, from planning their lessons to assessing student learning. For managing student behavior better, they need to follow praise technique frequently and consistently. Children are hungry for praise so this strategy definitely help teacher in improving their behavior.

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Usually we pay more attention to behaviors that stress us out but focusing on positive qualities can pave the way for betterment of behavior. This may stress out teachers because they will have to spend more time on giving instructions for behavior improvement and spend less time on guiding pupils to follow directions.

But in the long run this strategy will bring more positive results. Praise and appreciation need to be distributed equally among all the children so that no student feels left behind or less appreciated. Thirdly, if there are certain things that make a child anxious, teachers can help student overcome that anxiety. Because if they avoid this factor or do not engage that student in that particular activity, the fear and anxiety will keep increasing and may become overwhelming for the child.