How can technology improve recruitment?
media-like, it is also worth reaching for new technologies in business to find suitable candidates easier. technology improve recruitment.

Modern companies, when looking for employees, more and more often have to use the same communication channels that are used by future employees. Considering that our society is becoming more and more media-like, it is also worth reaching for new technologies in business to find suitable candidates easier. technology improve recruitment.
Classic CV is not everything anymore
Of course, the classic resume or cover letter is still important and desired by many employers. However, they are not the only ones that matter, especially in non-classical professions. Due to the development of remote services and more and more frequent work via the Internet, online achievements are also becoming more and more important.
Therefore, when deciding to search for employees, it is also worth reaching for other methods of checking their skills. You can even ask about a portfolio placed on the web, which will better present the abilities of many people than a "dry" CV.
Social media that reigns supreme among young people
Employers are now forced to get used to the fact that the younger generations who are their employees have a different approach to interpersonal communication. First of all, they spend much more time on social media and they use it in the first place when they want to achieve something. Instead of reading classic job portals or looking for offers in paper newspapers, they prefer to delve into Facebook.
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Therefore, employers should take care of remote recruitment in social media. For this purpose, it is worth developing your company website and gathering fans around it - some of them may become employees or provide their friends with information about recruitment. Of course, it will also be important to use advertisements on social media, which will allow you to reach a wider number of people.
How exactly to conduct remote recruitment? You can find out at And once you get to know its principles, it may also be a good idea to conduct your first conversations remotely. Thanks to this, both you and your future employee can save time by finding out, for example, on Messenger, whether cooperation will really interest both of you.
New features on LinkedIn
There is undoubtedly no stagnation in the world of technology. Therefore, popular social media platforms such as LinkedIn are constantly expanding their capabilities, offering new features for employers and employees. One of them is Sales Insight, which works like a virtual map, showing the most important trends, vacancies, locations or other business data.
Technologies that eliminate the need to collect paper documentation
The last point worth mentioning is documentation. In every company, paper documentation takes up a lot of space. During the recruitment process, there may be even more of it, if we decide on a classic CV and cover letters. Therefore, it is worth using new technologies to reduce the amount of paper collected in the company. It is enough for the most important documents to come by e-mail and we will start by viewing them on the computer, and we will print only those that are interesting. This will significantly reduce them.