How to breathe properly while running?
increase your performance over time and at a distance by breathing properly while reducing fatigue. How to breathe properly.

Learn the technique of proper breathing while running. You can increase your performance over time and at a distance by breathing properly while reducing fatigue. How to breathe properly.
The difference between success and failure in a sports competition may depend on your ability to breathe properly. Therefore, those who want to start running or exercise regularly need to know how to breathe properly.
The first thing to consider is how you inhale oxygen. Most people, including some seasoned athletes, breathe superficially. That is, the air does not go beyond the top of the chest. The lungs complete each exhalation without reaching its full capacity.
Ideally, to control our breathing while running, we should get used to taking a deep breath. This means taking enough air to fill the stomach area, abdomen and activate the diaphragm.
In this way, the blood gets enough oxygen to properly deliver it to all muscle tissues. It is a factor that delays fatigue and fights fatigue.
Learn how to breathe properly while running
If your breathing habits are poor or you are only partially breathing, it makes sense to do some breathing exercises before you start running while you are relaxed.
It is best to hold the air in for three to five seconds before slowly exhaling through your nose again.
This exercise can be done while lying on your back or in the lotus position. In a fully conscious manner, but without any tension, breathe in through your nose as slowly as possible. Pay particular attention to the filling of the stomach.
Breathe through your mouth or nose?
For many years it was believed that the best way to control your breathing while running was to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Even today, some trainers recommend this technique.
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On the other hand, some doctors do not recognize the latter option, even though the amount of oxygen is less. This is because the nostrils have filters that trap foreign bodies, preventing us from inhaling them. These filters are not found in our teeth and taste buds.
How to breathe properly?
Many trainers have pointed out that the best way to control your breathing while running is to use your mouth to both inhale and exhale.
Experts say that by taking more oxygen in addition to delaying fatigue, additional problems such as hyperventilation can be avoided.
Other trainers are more practical. They allow the athlete to decide how he will breathe based on what makes him feel comfortable.
They note that as the intensity of each workout increases, they will inevitably begin to inhale air through their mouths.
Breathing frequency to control breathing while running
This is another point where coaches and athletes disagree. However, most seem to agree that this is a determining factor, as are the runner's level, physical performance, and race intensity.
Terrain conditions and environmental factors should also be taken into account.
Breathing when running in winter
Basically, controlling your breathing while jogging in winter is no different than doing it in summer. As long as people are in good shape, there shouldn't be any problems. This is true when the temperature remains above -10ºC.
Nevertheless, it is advisable to take special measures to control breathing while running. Wearing a scarf over the mouth and nose warms the air that enters the respiratory system and avoids irritation.
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