How to build trusting relationships with students

The teaching profession is complex and multifaceted. After all, the teacher should be concerned not only with the fact that students

How to build trusting relationships with students

The teaching profession is complex and multifaceted. After all, the teacher should be concerned not only with the fact that students have mastered a certain amount of information in accordance with the curriculum within a certain period. First of all, the teacher is a mentor who encourages learning and motivates to acquire knowledge. And a good teacher captures, instills moral values €¹€¹and helps everyone become a better version of themselves.

Someone from the teaching community will definitely say that this is all a theory from those who have never worked at school, and that everything depends on the teacher only somewhere in a parallel galaxy. The arguments will be typical: it is impossible to teach a child who does not want to learn, and it is impossible to raise a student who is not raised by their own parents.

Now I propose to remember my own childhood and school years, as well as look at any teaching staff today.

Why do the same students have different relationships with teachers?

At all times, every school has teachers who rush to lessons with pleasure and learn with pleasure, and there are those in whom the same students do nothing and the teacher himself is covertly or openly despised.

In this case, it is no longer possible to say that "now the students are not the same as before", because if the same students behave differently in the lessons of individual teachers, it shows first of all their attitude to each teacher.

When students first come to class, the classroom is usually almost quiet. They look closely at the teacher's personality - how he behaves, how and what he says, what requirements he makes and so on.

Then students gradually test the knowledge and patience of the teacher, namely, how he reacts to various antics: whether he pays attention, whether he raises his voice, whether he himself follows the proposed rules and more. And if the teacher is demanding of students, but not of himself, practices double standards, behaves superficially, humiliates students, the relationship will not develop. And it is not the students who are to blame.

How to behave to become an authority for students

In order to work with children, it is necessary for the teacher and students to have contact. In order for students to be respected and listened to, the teacher himself must first of all have dignity and respect for both colleagues and students.


  1. Don't be the only Morgenstern: be a role model

Yes! Skeptics will immediately say that they are unable to compete with Morgenstern and other marginalized personalities who are idols of many students. However, a number of interrelated questions arise: do all students, why these individuals are idols and what it depends on?

What children and teenagers really enjoy depends on their values. They, in turn, are just being formed at this age, so they are fully adjusted under the influence of authoritative adults.

Although, rewards and recognitions are not as important as if you can personally change the life of at least one student: come to the rescue in time, believe in his strength, if the student despairs of himself, or inspire the development of certain talents that will happen later a matter of his whole life. This is a real teacher's success!

Be human and considerate, follow the word given to the students, impress with your knowledge and interest in lessons, treat others with respect and constantly learn new things yourself. This contributes to the formation of authority and trust.

  1. Believe in each of your students

All students have different abilities and talents. Seeing how, for example, certain classmates are easily given mathematical calculations of any complexity, some students can no less easily feel unwell and untalented, because they can barely cope with the simplest examples. This is where the help of a teacher is needed to encourage him to make small, but personal successes; to explain that everyone has their own path to success.

In fact, the encouragement heard in time gives strength not to give up, and when the teacher notices and celebrates the least successes, it really inspires! Not to mention, but everyone is pleased when he is deservedly praised and offered help instead of criticism!

  1. Be demanding

Students need to be clear that they need to be respected, trusted, and recognized. To do this, it is necessary to make an effort in learning, to show diligence, discipline, curiosity and politeness.

For example, unfinished homework or being late for class for no good reason should not get out of hand. Students should understand that the teacher's reaction will definitely be, and it is better not to allow it.

Of course, for students to learn with enthusiasm, it is necessary that they were interested in the lessons. However, for the sake of objectivity, it should be noted that not all stages of learning can be transferred to the format of games. Often, certain skills require a great deal of effort from students, and they are difficult, tedious, and obligatory. So students need to understand that they also have responsibilities.


Learning is a process that involves two-way interaction between teacher and student. However, it is the teacher who sets the tone and creates a working atmosphere so that students realize that their teacher is demanding and fair at the same time.

  1. Allow students to make mistakes and admit their own mistakes

Everyone is wrong. This is normal. This is useful for moving to a new level of knowledge and skills. He who is not mistaken does not have the opportunity to learn to do better.

Teach students not to be afraid of mistakes, explain that it is not a shame to make mistakes in the process of acquiring knowledge and skills. The main thing is to analyze the causal relationships, draw appropriate conclusions and fill their own gaps in knowledge.

If you make mistakes in class, tell them right away. Honestly admitting mistakes to students does not make you weaker. By your own example, you teach students honesty and sincerity, and demonstrate that you are the same person as others. This brings together and lays the foundation for a trusting relationship. No one is perfect; sometimes everyone lacks both attention and knowledge, so you need to constantly improve your knowledge.


That's actually the whole secret. Everything is simple and at the same time extremely difficult. However, this is possible for everyone who aspires to become the best teacher, those whom students respect and admire.