How to build your teen's reputation online
interests of students, and this becomes a valuable tool in making admission decisions. How to build your teen's reputation online.

Searching for personal information on the Internet has become common practice for both businesses and the educational environment. Educational counselors know that educational institutions are looking for information about the activities and interests of students, and this becomes a valuable tool in making admission decisions. How to build your teen's reputation online.
Equally important is your family reputation, which requires a clear understanding by all family members of the rules for publishing your own information and being present in the content of others.
When hiring for a new job or considering a higher position, or when preparing a large contract, the company's security service will easily track your children's articals on social networks, identify popular geolocations of your vacation or place of residence, circle of friends and add it to your resume. .
Unpleasant? Yes, but these are modern realities that should be taken into account when building your own reputation.
That's why it's important to help your teen build their online reputation properly. To do this, you should discuss this topic together and agree on rules of conduct online, as well as create a plan to build a teenager's reputation.
Here are some key points you should make to your teen during your reputation talk:
- Everything that is published on the Internet can be seen by millions. You should not publish what you do not want to share with the world. The Internet is not a place for secrets. In the future, not everything can be removed from the Internet, so you should not publish too much yourself and allow others.
- It is necessary to determine which topics are acceptable and unacceptable for online publications.
- You need to check the published photos on the Internet. Ask yourself, what impression do they form on you from a potential employer or university representative?
- It is necessary to check the privacy settings of content on social networks.
- It is important to determine whether your email address looks decent and acceptable. - definitely not.
- You need to check the lists of interests, preferences, topics that you have chosen for yourself on social networks. Update and supplement them as necessary, including subscriptions to the pages of educational institutions that are considered for admission.
- It is necessary to create and fill in your own resume (in LinkedIn it is allowed from 16 years), add to it important information about training, social activities, achievements and awards, certificates.
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- You should create an online portfolio or personal landing, which will contain a short biography, information about awards, achievements, links to your own electronic presentations on various topics, links to your own publications / media publications, links to useful videos, in who have a teenager, as well as create your own video card. You should continue to add achievements to your own online portfolio or website from time to time.
- It is desirable to configure the search tools on the Internet by keywords (name, surname) to obtain information about yourself, family, to see what exactly should be strengthened or improved in terms of reputation.
- It is necessary to make it a rule to keep your profiles on social networks regularly, adding information at least a couple of times a month. It is desirable to demonstrate yourself in many ways - learning, finding new opportunities for development, sports or creative achievements, hobbies.
- You should set your own rules for commenting on any topic. It is best not to start arguing on topics where you are not an opinion leader and do not know the nuances. Do not attack anyone online (let alone offline) for disagreement.
- It is desirable to remove your own ambiguous or too emotional articals and comments about events, people, situations
- It is necessary to acquire skills of behavior in crisis situations. If rumors or false information have been published and you feel the need to respond, sometimes it is enough to write "This is not true". Do not publish more information until you have discussed the situation with more experienced loved ones or mentors.
- You need to learn to apologize if you make mistakes or offend someone. It is often enough to say, "I'm sorry, I was wrong" or "I'm sorry I hurt you." A detailed apology needs to be made face to face.
These quick tips will help you build a positive online reputation for work and personal tasks. The Internet should be used carefully, then it can be a really useful tool.