How to concentrate when your brain is not set up for work
The brain gets tired, even if you don't notice it right away. Alternate time of conscious concentration and active rest.

Tips for every day
Respond to phone notifications, view emails, answer an emergency call, write a messenger message, scroll through a Facebook news feed¦ How often, when we need to focus, we are unknowingly distracted by extraneous things!
Respond to phone notifications, view emails, answer an emergency call, write a messenger message, scroll through a Facebook news feed¦ How often, when we need to focus, we are unknowingly distracted by extraneous things!
Have you ever wondered how much time you spend each day doing small things that take up your time instead of good? And how many important things need to be done during the day! Meanwhile, it's hard to do any serious work when you can't concentrate. Namely, the ability to concentrate in time is the key to success both in work in particular and in life in general.
Here are some simple ways to control your focus and not be distracted while doing important things!
Turn off all notifications on your smartphone or computer while you're working
Researchers at the University of California conducted a study on the average concentration time of students during their studies. The results were stunning! It turns out that the time during which students are able to focus on learning, on average is¦ only three minutes! The reason is technology. A notification appeared on the screen, the smartphone vibrates or beeps, and all - no longer one hundred percent focused on what was done a few seconds ago! And it affects not only the efficiency of work, but also personal success.
So to eliminate annoyances, turn off notifications for social networks, emails, chats, and anything that might get in the way every time you start a job that requires you to focus. If possible, you can switch the smartphone to flight mode. Believe me, in half an hour the end of the world will not be! You can always get in touch as soon as the task that requires attention is completed.
Make turning off notifications during focused work a habit, and you will be able to perform tasks faster and better. As a result, increase your efficiency.
Say "No!" multitasking
A study by neurobiologist Gloria Mark showed that it takes an average of 23 minutes and 15 seconds to return to the level of concentration that was before switching to another task! So, every time you decide to check your mail or visit a certain site, you will need a lot of time to restore the previous level of concentration.
So, in order not to waste precious time on restoring concentration, perform one type of work consistently, without switching attention to other tasks. Combine the same type of tasks into groups and complete them in one block.
When working with the Internet, install special programs that block visits to certain sites for a period of time. This will prevent aimless internet surfing and allow you to organize your working hours most productively.
Take regular breaks
The brain gets tired, even if you don't notice it right away. Alternate time of conscious concentration and active rest. Short periods of attention are more productive than working without time constraints. This method will come in handy when working.
The algorithm is as follows:
- Set the timer for 25 minutes.
- Disable all notifications.
- Focus on just one task.
- As soon as the timer beeps, take a short 5-minute break.
- After the break, set the timer back to focused work.
- After four approaches, take a longer break for 15-20 minutes.
Listen to your body. Variety is needed for the brain to work effectively. So take breaks for walks, active physical activities and just relax with a cup of coffee.
Breaks in such formats increase productivity, restore attention, promote creativity and improve focus in future work.