How to create an annual school work plan: an algorithm of actions

coordination of work. It is on these principles that the school's annual work plan should be built How to create an annual school work plan:.

How to create an annual school work plan: an algorithm of actions
How to create an annual school work plan: an algorithm of actions

How to implement the development strategy and educational program of the educational institution? This is possible only if the work of each sphere of multifaceted school life is clearly planned. What distinguishes quality planning from normal? Clarity of prospects, specificity of tasks, clear division of responsibilities and operational coordination of work. It is on these principles that the school's annual work plan should be built How to create an annual school work plan:.

The ideal annual plan should be concise, specific, and concise. However, common shortcomings are common, namely:

  • There is no systematic approach to planning (plans of hierarchical levels and various structural units do not form a holistic system);
  • Insufficient analytical basis of plans (analysis is replaced by a list of activities or statistics);
  • There are no connections between the analysis of the state of educational activity and the set tasks (or between the tasks and the activities planned for the new school year);
  • Vagueness of the main tasks and activities for the new school year;
  • Uneven distribution of measures on time and between performers;
  • High density of plans or planning of unrealistic works;
  • The real needs of the educational institution and the external environment are not taken into account;
  • The plan consists of several people, and this entails a passive attitude to the implementation of the plan by the team, low executive motivation and discipline.

Also, when drawing up a plan, a reasonable balance should be struck about its scope. It is not necessary to detail and list normative documents in each section too much.

How to make the process of creating an annual plan as effective as possible? It can be divided into four stages.

The first stage. Preparation for planning

The purpose of the preparatory stage is to collect and analyze materials on the impact of in-school planning on the quality of the educational process. Agree that it is difficult for several people to do this. What shall I do? Involve all participants in the educational process in the process of creating an annual plan!

Issuance of an order

At the end of the school year, it is desirable to issue an order to prepare a draft work plan for the new school year. It may contain:

  1. Terms of work on preparation of the project of the annual plan.
  2. Data of the persons responsible for the preparation of each section of the plan.
  3. Composition of working commissions for preparation of sections of the draft plan.
  4. The main activities of the working commissions.
  5. Terms of discussion and approval of the annual plan of the school for the new school year at a meeting of the pedagogical council.

Defining goals

An important part of the work is to set goals for the school year and align them with the strategic goals of the school. The goal should be:

  • Specific (sensitivity of the result);
  • Real (achievable result);
  • Controlled (the ability to assess the level of achievement);

Definition of structure

The process of structuring the annual plan is not regulated by regulations and is mostly variable. But it is worth choosing a structure that takes into account the specifics of the school and the individual characteristics of the development of the educational institution. Example:

  1. The structure of the annual plan corresponds to the structure of the school development strategy. This greatly simplifies the preparation, details the goals and objectives.
  2. The structure is developed in the areas of the internal system of ensuring the quality of educational activities and the quality of education. It may include:

  • Educational environment of the educational institution;
  • Evaluation system for students;
  • Pedagogical activity of pedagogical workers of educational institution;
  • Management processes of the educational institution.

  1. Own approach to creating an annual plan.

The form of writing the annual plan can also be different: calendar (monthly), cyclic (contain a certain cyclic forms of work), text (have a textual description of the content), tabular (have a tabular form of writing), block diagram (divided into certain blocks of work). But in any case, certain information must be provided about each event:

  • Deadlines;
  • Information on those responsible for implementation;
  • Form of generalization based on the results of execution (order, schedule, schedule, analytical reference, etc.);
  • Performance mark.

Preparation of the analysis of the annual plan

Analysis of the work for the last academic year is the most difficult and responsible stage of work. It must cover all areas of work in accordance with

  • Strategy (policy) and procedures for ensuring the quality of education;
  • System and mechanisms for ensuring academic integrity;
  • Published criteria, rules and procedures for assessing students;
  • Published criteria, rules and procedures for evaluating the pedagogical (scientific and pedagogical) activities of pedagogical and scientific and pedagogical workers;
  • Published criteria, rules and procedures for evaluating the management activities of managers of educational institutions;
  • Ensuring the availability of the necessary resources for the organization of the educational process, as well as for the independent work of students;
  • Ensuring the availability of information systems for effective management of educational institutions;
  • Creation of an inclusive educational environment, universal design and intelligent adaptation in the educational institution;
  • Other procedures and measures determined by special laws or documents of the educational institution.

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Sources of materials can be:

  • Minutes of school conferences, meetings of pedagogical councils, meetings with the principal, meetings of the school staff, school parent meetings, etc. .
  • Certificates based on the results of checking school documentation (class journals, diaries, notebooks and personal files of students, safety journals, etc.);
  • Materials of psychological and sociological researches of participants of educational process;
  • Analytical references (on the content of the educational process, on the results of control of extracurricular activities, on the state of material and technical
  • Base and sanitary and hygienic regime of the school, etc.);
  • Results of diagnostics of educational results, educational monitoring, STA and EIT of students;
  • Results of school, district, city subject Olympiads and other intellectual competitions;
  • Results of sports competitions;
  • Statistical documents;
  • Materials on the results of the institutional audit;
  • Materials on attestation and advanced training of pedagogical staff.

In order for the draft annual plan to be deep, meaningful and not become a formality, it is advisable to use the results of self-assessment and conduct a survey of school employees, primary and secondary school students and parents. This will highlight the positive and negative factors of school life, take into account the wishes of participants in the educational process to improve the work.

The most important thing during the analysis is to determine the reasons for non-compliance! This will allow you to understand the factors and factors that made it impossible to achieve the goals, and later find ways to correct them. And this is the next step towards creating the perfect annual plan.

The second stage. Preparation of draft plans in the main areas

To develop a plan is to provide a set of measures to improve the educational process. To begin with, it is necessary to revise the main legislative acts, theoretical and methodological materials on the development of education in general and planning in particular. It should be remembered that the excellent plan is characterized not by the number and high-profile names of events, but by their pedagogical expediency, a comprehensive approach to teaching students based on the interaction of teachers, students and parents.

Planning can include the following sections:

  1. Educational environment of the educational institution

1.1. Providing comfortable and safe conditions for study and work.

1.2. Creating an educational environment free from all forms of violence and discrimination.

  1. Formation of inclusive, developmental and motivating educational space for learning.
  2. Educational assessment system
  3. Pedagogical activity of pedagogical workers of educational institution:
  4. Organization of work with gifted students.
  5. The educational process in an educational institution.
  6. Management processes of an educational institution.
  7. Topics of meetings of advisory collegial bodies.
  8. Orders of the school principal.
  9. Personnel policy and providing opportunities for professional development of teachers
  10. Organization of the educational process on the basis of human-centeredness.
  11. Formation and implementation of the policy of academic integrity.

It is very important that the plan focuses on a higher level of education, compared to what has been achieved, that it is an effective tool for team building.

The third stage. Evaluation of the plan in terms of its feasibility

At this stage, the working group should conduct a self-analysis and evaluate the draft annual plan according to the feasibility criteria. What does it mean? Evaluation according to this criterion involves determining a reasonable density of the plan, which eliminates the overload of performers with planned activities. This will help to simultaneously make a quantitative forecast of the facts of implementation or non-implementation of the planned measures and analyze the possible difficulties and risks.

The fourth stage. Approval of the annual plan at the meeting of the Pedagogical Council

Usually the final version of the annual plan is approved in August at the first meeting of the pedagogical council. In order for the discussion to be constructive and effective, it is desirable to distribute the draft plan to all members of the Pedagogical Council a few days before the meeting so that they can form their own opinion, provide comments and suggestions. After discussion and adoption by the Pedagogical Council of the decision on approval, the annual plan is finally edited. You should also not forget about the design rules:

  • Draw up a title letter on which to indicate the date of approval of the plan by the pedagogical council and the date of its approval (signed by the principal and the seal of the school);
  • Number and stitch pages.

And now the plan has become a normative document, mandatory for all school staff. It is printed in the required number of copies: one copy - for storage in the nomenclature of school affairs, and working copies - for school administration. Also, the annual plan should be made public and the goals and objectives of the meeting should be explained to all participants in the educational process.

How to check the implementation of the annual plan and make changes?

To monitor the implementation of the plan, determine a certain frequency of inspections and the type of meeting (for example, a monthly meeting with the director). Make a checklist, attach it to the plan and indicate the control measures (by the names of the sections of the plan). Monitoring results can be marked "yes", "partially completed", "no". Unimplemented measures should be taken under control and checked at the next meeting.

The plan can be edited if you need to add or remove measures due to changes in legislation, correct errors, articalpone planned activities or change the executor.

The school's annual work plan is not just a school principal's desk book! This is an effective tool for implementing the strategic development of the educational institution and coordinated activities of all participants in the educational process!