How to develop your skills as an English teacher
qualifications and acquisition of new competences. It is essential for the proper process. How to develop your skills as an English teacher.

The language teacher's professional path requires constant improvement of qualifications and acquisition of new competences. It is essential for the proper process. How to develop your skills as an English teacher.
The language teacher's professional path requires constant improvement of qualifications and acquisition of new competences. It is necessary for the proper process of educating students of subsequent years. Over the years, not only teaching methods change, but also the perception of students and the ways of reaching them.
A modern teacher, not only of the English language, should be a guide and mentor for students, rather than a teacher giving dry facts and checking the degree of their assimilation.
The method of teaching known until recently, assuming the mechanical assimilation of knowledge, is today treated as archaic. And rightly so, because this method turned out to be ineffective. Memorizing a part of the material did not bring the expected effect and did not support the students in its practical use.
In other words, modern teaching of the English language implies the end of rigid memorization in favor of direct learning, in which the mastery of vocabulary and grammar rules are not subject to strict patterns. More emphasis is placed on the practical use of the learner's language competences. This requires teachers to know new teaching methods, so it should come as no surprise that teachers also need to constantly develop their pedagogical workshop through numerous trainings, workshops and multi-stage courses.
When asked about the ideal of a teacher, most students will say that it is supposed to be cool. Cool, that is understanding, with a sense of humor, conducting interesting lessons in a relaxed atmosphere. It is best that he does not stress the students by over-demanding and that he does not give homework. He must be able to surprise, because thanks to this the lessons are more interesting and easier to remember.
When asked about the same, parents will answer that the teacher is to be effective, even if it involves specific requirements for students. He should also be able to win their sympathy, because it has been known for a long time that if students like the teacher, they learn more willingly.
How to reconcile these seemingly extreme expectations? The key is to adopt the right teaching methodology, in which the most important thing is to interest the student in the subject of the classes, to show how he can use the acquired knowledge in practice. At the same time, it must be remembered that learning is not strictly fun, and the role of a language teacher is to lead to a situation in which students will be able to use the acquired knowledge and the ability to use living language in ordinary everyday situations.
Without disregarding the rules of grammar in any way, great emphasis should be placed on the vocabulary and building the students' belief that it is better to make a mistake in the statement than to abandon it entirely. It is necessary to support students not only in terms of language, but also in terms of personality - faith in their own competences is necessary to master the language at a communicative level.
Here we come to an important conclusion: an English teacher is not only a methodologist, but also a pedagogue and psychologist who can adjust the teaching method to the abilities and needs of a specific student.
Professional development of English language teachers should not be just about improving your knowledge. The trick is not only to get to know the language in depth, but also to be able to convey the acquired knowledge in a lasting and effective way.
Training for English language teachers should be a fixed point of their professional career and take place periodically at least once every few years. This will allow you to get acquainted with new teaching methods, discoveries in the field of psychology and pedagogy, as well as to face the practical creation of newer and better proprietary curricula. A good teacher should not only be able to implement a pre-imposed curriculum, but also modify it in such a way as to fulfill all its assumptions, and at the same time make learning pleasant and effective for students.