How to easily and quickly optimize a site?
advance it in the TOP search results. Here are 7 very simple ways to solve this problem. How to easily and quickly optimize a site.

Website optimization is an important point in its promotion. Without good optimization it is impossible to advance it in the TOP search results. Here are 7 very simple ways to solve this problem. How to easily and quickly optimize a site.
1) Image optimization
The advice is pretty obvious, but even so, many people don't really know how to optimize images on their web pages. In addition, only a few understand that there is a difference between an image file reduced to an average size and one that is fully optimized.
Optimization not only makes the image smaller, but also removes some irrelevant metadata (such as creation date, camera information, etc.). To do this, you can use many different tools, such as JPEGmini, or Yahoo!, or ImageOptim.
2) Activation of GZIP compression
All you have to do is activate Gzip compression and you can speed up the download by up to 50%. After compression on the local PC, the files become smaller - Gzip works the same way: it compresses before sending the files to the browser. This way, the webpage will start showing faster than before using Gzip compression.
This feature has already been activated by the vast majority of sites through the use of "heavy" files. Especially since there is nothing complicated about it. First of all, find. htaccess of your site, and then, if the server is running on Apache, just copy and paste it into the desired file. Such a small piece of code will make your site much more productive - check it out for yourself!
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3) Minimize files
With tools like Codekit or Prepos, as well as CLI, such as Grunt, this is done in a simple way. The main thing is to remember this procedure when you complete the project.
4) Combining CSS with JavaScript
Excessive HTTP requests severely slow down the site. Therefore, if you use any external elements (plug-ins, frameworks), then you have several JS and CSS files at once.
This means that the browser is constantly forced to request a whole set of files. You can fix this waste by combining all the CSS files into one and all the JS files into another. This is easily done with Gulp, Grunt and other similar tools.
5) Use of sprites
Many images for one web page are many HTTP requests. You can simply create a sprite sheet that loads only once, and then just edit the position of the CSS background for each individual element to display the correct image.
Use CSS Sprite Generator or Stitches to create such sprites.
6) Use of CDN - content delivery network (content)
Static files sites place only on CDN, because it speeds up their download. Even if your website is relatively small, you should still set up external JS and CSS downloads from the CDN to the maximum. Look out for helpers like Bootstrap and jQuery.
7) Using caching
Why upload an already downloaded file again? The process of setting up caching is very similar to Gzip compression: everything is done in the same file.htaccess. With mod_headers you can select the type of files, as well as the duration of their use.