How to educate for a world that we will not know
charge of picking strawberries, they can work 24 hours and do not demand wage adjustments. How to educate for a world that we will not know.

The world is changing very fast. Robots are already replacing people in many tasks, in Japan, for example, there are already robots in charge of picking strawberries, they can work 24 hours and do not demand wage adjustments. How to educate for a world that we will not know.
Today prostheses can be made for disabled people with functions similar to those of a lost limb such as touch. But in a few years they can be done with functions that exceed those of humans; for example magnetized arms. Will anyone be willing to go through an operating room to have superpowers? All these changes and this rapid evolution make us wonder: how can we educate our children for a future that we do not know?
Educating our children for an uncertain future
Today young people are becoming famous thanks to YouTube, which implies a radical change in the status quo. Before, for an actor or singer to become famous, it depended on the director of a record company deciding to record an album for you; today it depends on each of us deciding to see it and share it on our social networks.
The internet of things is growing by leaps and bounds. Everything that can be connected will be connected: People, machines, natural resources, production chains, logistics networks, consumption habits, recycling flows and practically any other aspect of economic and social life will be connected through sensors and programs.
In some cities, for example, there are already sensors in garbage containers to determine the amount of waste and optimize collection. Or sensors in the woods to determine dangerous conditions and alert firefighters as soon as a fire starts.
And we are very close to virtual reality having uses everywhere. For example traveling virtually, experiencing the life of ancient times .
It is very difficult to predict what the professions of the future will be, but if there is one thing that analysts agree on, it is that what cannot be replaced is creativity and common sense.
That is why they are the aspects that we must encourage in our children and for that there is nothing better than play and boredom. Let them invent, ask questions, experiment, get frustrated and change their strategy. These qualities are not learned in workshops or courses. They are learned by being free.