Children - how to successfully restore the routine after vacation?
Here are some great tips to help you get back into your routine after school holidays. This may turn out to be much easier than you think!

Here are some great tips to help you get back into your routine after school holidays. This may turn out to be much easier than you think!
Holidays are times we all like. Indeed, in the busiest times, we dream of traveling, free time with the family or just relaxing. Children experience the same excitement. But how to restore the routine after vacation? This can prove to be a real challenge. This is not an exaggeration. After all, while an adult's vacation usually only lasts a week, children can enjoy up to a couple of months off school.
Therefore, getting kids back into their routine after so long with no real schedules can be quite a challenge. Because, naturally, they prefer to stay in their vacation routine with endless time for fun and games. For their sake, however, it is necessary to restore the routine after the holidays as soon as possible and return to the fulfillment of duties.
Restore routine after vacation
After the holidays, when rest and play have completely taken over the mind of the child, it's time to go back to school and schedule the classes accordingly. But how do you restore your vacation routine in a natural and non-traumatic way? In fact, it might not be as difficult as you think.
Create periods of adaptation
It is quite simple. However, keep in mind that most children do not accept sudden changes well and live a calmer life in their borderline routine. Therefore, in the last days of vacation, it's best to start making small changes to the family schedule, routine and daily habits.
By providing an adaptation period so that children can resume their routine, you increase the chance of them getting used to the changes. For example, going back to school will be easier if they eat breakfast, lunch and dinner for a while before resuming school and go to bed at the same time.
Gradual change
When changing your schedule, don't make too many changes at once. In fact, it's best to do step by step, two at most. Once your children have internalized the change, you can move on to the next step. If you carry out this process gradually, your baby will be fully adjusted after a few days. If he used to get up at ten, now you can make a change and have him get up at nine. Once you get used to it, you can make another change.
It is important to prioritize and use this hierarchy to make decisions about routine changes. Generally, you should start with hourly adjustments, which are usually the most difficult. First, adjust your eating and sleeping routine and then the rest. In this sense, you have to work on elements such as when the baby goes to bed, when he gets up, when he eats and when he does nap. It's important that you master these changes before making any more.
It is important that your child expects changes. After all, as an adult, you know when the holidays are over and the school year is approaching. Therefore, children should be advised that it is time to resume the routine. It is helpful to talk to your child about what is going to happen. This way you will reduce some of his insecurity.
Additionally, you can add the habits we mentioned earlier and gradually implement them until it's time to start the proper routine. By then, they will be fully adapted and any changes will seem minimal.
Positive attitude
It is certainly important to stay positive. Indeed, as an adult, you know that it can sometimes be difficult to adjust to changes in your habits and routines. So make sure your children do not get picked on by any kind of pessimism about their return to school. In fact, if they sense a negative attitude on your part, they will most likely start feeling the same.
Constant support and active listening
This is one of the most difficult things to do, but also the most valuable. It involves keeping the channels of communication open. In other words, pay attention to the children when they are upset or scared, encourage them, and take advantage of every moment they want to talk to you.
In this way, you can talk to them, listen to them, and assure them that whatever happens they can count on you and that together you will overcome any difficulties that may stand in your way.
Involve them in the process
If they are involved in changes, it won't be difficult for you to get back to your routine. In fact, children should be actively involved in the entire process. For example, they may go with you to buy school supplies or new school clothes. In addition, in this way, you will create opportunities to understand how they feel and what their concerns may be, giving you valuable tips to help them later.
Ask them if they are looking forward to meeting their school friends. Find out which lessons they are particularly looking forward to and which are not. Find out how they will react to specific situations they may encounter. These are all questions that are important to help them. Their answers will provide you with specific information that will help you help them. After all, while there are some general guidelines, each child should be treated individually.