How to learn English or other foreign languages?
It is good to know how to learn English or other foreign languages, because knowing them is a must nowadays. Contrary to appearances,

It is good to know how to learn English or other foreign languages, because knowing them is a must nowadays. Contrary to appearances, knowing the appropriate techniques is not difficult to learn a new language, also on your own, when you lack time and money. See how to learn English.
When we think about how to learn English or other foreign languages, a language course comes to mind. This is the most common method, but not always effective. Sometimes the students lack the motivation to learn, sometimes the program is simply not arranged properly. How to increase the effectiveness of learning and how to effectively learn English and other foreign languages?
Effective methods:
Linguistic immersion
Educational games and programs
Social media
Skype lessons
Abroad course
For many parents, this is the best method of learning a foreign language for a child. This is the case, especially if the student does not live in a hotel, but with a foreign-speaking family, and must travel to the place where the classes are organized using local means of transport.
Thanks to the fact that he has contact with a foreign language practically around the clock, he quickly assimilates new phrases and words, acquires the appropriate accent, and breaks the barrier related to speaking. This way of learning a foreign language does not require any sacrifice except for one - financial one.
For many families it is an insurmountable barrier, therefore only the best-off can afford such a language trip. Fortunately, there are other methods that don't require an expensive stay abroad.
Linguistic immersion
However, in order to have constant, long contact with a foreign language, you do not have to leave the country or take an expensive and time-consuming course. You can use the so-called the method of linguistic immersion, i.e. surrounding oneself with a foreign language on a daily basis.
Contrary to appearances, nowadays it is not that difficult: you can listen to radio programs in a selected foreign language, watch foreign-language television, play movies without Polish dubbing and subtitles, read blogs and news sites.
By learning the language in this way, the child will learn both grammatical forms and accent, as well as words - those that he does not know, he should translate on an ongoing basis (e.g. using an online dictionary) and write down in a notebook for vocabulary, and then consolidate it by repeating.
Educational games and programs
This is a good proposition for younger students: by playing simple games, they can learn new words and learn simple grammatical structures, sentence structures, etc. It is worth remembering that such games are selected both according to the child's age and language level. A lot of offers can be found both on the Internet (network games) and in stores with free smartphone applications.
Social media
Popular communicators on social networks can also be used for effective language learning. All you have to do is gather a few people, create a group, and then converse in the chosen foreign language on various topics. If the group of students is not supervised by someone who would be able to detect possible linguistic errors, it is good if such conversations are limited to the range of vocabulary and grammar that the students already know, and thus additionally consolidate the material.
Skype lessons
Learning via Skype has been popular for many years. This is a good method to break the speaking barrier. In this way, you can both chat with friends and take advantage of private lessons or lessons from a native speaker - distance is not a problem. If your child has no friends who are interested in this form of learning, you will find online offers of courses and language conversations via Skype.
Learning vocabulary
Many children find it difficult to learn vocabulary: even if they repeat them, after some time the words will disappear from their heads and the whole learning has to be started all over again. This happens when words are taken out of context.
To memorize them effectively, it is worth creating sentences with them or imagining situations in which such words can be used. For example, when learning travel-related words, it is worth imagining buying a ticket, boarding a train or other means of transport, talking to the conductor, etc. It is important that in each sentence - even if it exists only in your head - use the currently repeated word: then it is easier will remember them and not forget them.