How to make money in TIKTOK

and small business projects, from the production of slippers from tires to the sale of VIP products. How to make money in TIKTOK.

How to make money in TIKTOK
How to make money in TIKTOK

TikTok is a fast-growing social network, the developers of which tried to take the best from Instagram and YouTube. It now has more than 2 billion users from 150 countries. So it is not surprising that TikTok has become a popular platform for large and small business projects, from the production of slippers from tires to the sale of VIP products. How to make money in TIKTOK.

Almost half of the audience of this social network - teenagers, the other - young people under 35 years. Due to the youth of users, the activity in TikTok is very high, respectively, there is potential for growth.

In this article, we will look at how to quickly and as quickly as possible just make money in TikTok. At the same time not forgetting that free cheese is given in a mousetrap.

There are 3 main "ways of strength" (earnings) in TikTok:

  1. Become a blogger;
  2. Help bloggers;
  3. Part-time work (like bloggers).

Now in detail and in order

How to become a popular blogger? It does not require a lot of education or skills, just a little luck, charisma, and no doubt about their own attractiveness.

There are huge instructions on dozens of pages, which describe in detail how to create content, how to conduct mass liking, find friends, etc. It is not necessary to rewrite all this, it is important to love social networks and to artical content all the time. If it turns out to be successful - the sundress radio will turn on and in a couple of months they will find out about you.

How a TikTok blogger can earn:

  • Direct advertising. Popular accounts do not need to look for someone, sundress radio works clearly on them. Representatives of brands come to them and offer to advertise, for example, shampoo. Such advertising is paid once, or for a certain period. The cost depends on how popular the blogger profile is, it can be $ 100 or even $ 10,000.
  • This terrible word does not mean ketchup, but a person who has agreed to personally promote any product or brand. It is clear that a very popular person becomes an ambassador, it can be a blogger, an athlete or a star. If he does not have an account - a team of SMM-specialists will do it, prepare content and shoot video. The ambassador represents the face of the company.
  • Partners - programs like "you to me, I - to you".

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  • Promoting content for money. It can be a song or a video, the blogger places it in himself and thus helps to promote the artist. The same can be said for pictures.
  • Paid broadcasts for fans. This is a relatively new feature. 22 million people came to the air of the Chinese Meng Lei and gave him stickers for 167 thousand dollars.
  • Info courses on anything. It is important that the blogger be popular and have something to tell the audience, from cross-stitch to breeding cacti and cooking.
  • Congratulations on to order.
  • Transfer traffic from your blog to customer pages.

How To Make Money By Helping Bloggers

Most often, ordinary bloggers start with a simple phone and a selfie stick, but as time goes on, the audience grows and you have to move to another level of technical support. The second point is that we need new ideas and scripts for the videos. You need to shoot a lot, beautifully and efficiently.

A professional blogger will need:

  • Screenwriters - to create ideas and write texts.
  • Targetologists - to set up advertising.
  • Operators - for video recording in different conditions and angles.
  • Editors - for the preparation of video content.
  • SMM specialists - for routine networking, answering questions and messages.
  • Sound engineers - to create audio content, such as songs and podcasts.
  • Marketers and managers - to promote a personal brand.

If you do not want to become a blogger yourself, you can try yourself in one of the helping specialties. Often it is quite profitable and useful because the pros do not depend on the popularity of a particular star TikTok; he can find orders in almost any social network.

As you can see, you can and should make money on TikTok; the main thing is to understand who you see yourself like here, to find your niche and purpose.

Part-time work

While you think - there is an easy, but small income for beginners. These are services where you can "easily cut money." Tanktop-free and UNU are programs of paid likes, reviews, and subscriptions. Here, any user can take a task for little money and write a short review, like, etc.

Who needs it? First of all, bloggers - raise the cost of advertising for brands. The average price of the task is a penny, but if you want you can find a lot of them and instantly put them on the map through exchanges. So, if there is nothing to do and there is time - these services will help you get acquainted with social networks and start with "unskilled" earnings in them. Good luck and good luck in TikTok!