How to motivate students to learn, taking into account their psychological characteristics

Practical advice for teachers and parents
Every teacher dreams of his students learning with enthusiasm. Every parent wishes and wants their child to succeed in school. To do this, there are different ways of motivation - evaluation, encouragement, punishment, praise and more.
However, it can be seen that incentives that affect some children demotivate others. This is influenced by the psychotype of the individual. So, knowing it, you can build an effective strategy for child development.
Psychotype - a psychological portrait of the individual, which includes innate character traits and the type of response that are permanent.
Here are the 7 most common psychotypes and practical tips on how to interact with children of each type to make the learning process effective.
Psychotype "energizer"
This is a typical representative of the psychotype "energizer". Such children are extremely energetic and restless; they are interested in everything around. They easily communicate with peers, and for adults they are a source of problems, because "energizers" are still those brawlers! Such children are ideological inspirers; charge others with their cheerfulness and positivity.
Recommendations: Such children find it difficult to concentrate, so they need to change activities more often to succeed. Monotony is the number one enemy of the energizer. Therefore, it is necessary to include elements of the game in the lesson, alternating mental loads with energetic engines.
These children are extremely inquisitive and active, but their energy must be directed in the right direction, in no way depressing personality.
Psychotype "star"
The "star" loves to be the center of attention. The main goal of such children is to attract attention in any way, both bright clothes and deviant behavior are suitable for this. "Stars" are bright and emotional, easily find common ground with others, because they know how to adapt to others.
Recommendations: The "stars" have unstable performance and low efficiency. You can inspire them to do something only through encouragement and praise. If the "stars" do not receive approval, they quickly lose interest in the task and may leave the business halfway. Such children have unstable self-esteem, so they need constant support.
To motivate such students to learn, their success and diligence should be celebrated and constantly encouraged.
Psychotype "fighter"
This type of child tries to organize and control everything around, and is sometimes aggressive in behavior. Everything should go according to plan, and things should definitely fall into place.
"Fighters" feel full of strength when they are at war with something / someone. They definitely need obstacles, conquest of peaks. Without this, they see no point in acting. It is difficult to find contact with other children, but if you manage to make friends with someone, it is a long time.
Recommendations: "Fighter" must learn to control their emotions. If the learning process is approached correctly, a child of this psychotype can achieve a lot, the main thing is to set the right goal, choose a clear plan and adhere to strict discipline.
To avoid excess energy and aggression, the "fighter" needs to spend more time on the move and visit sports sections.
Psychotype "smart girl"
"Smart" - cute, quiet and diligent children. They are deeply affected by conflicts and misunderstandings, constantly caring for others, trying to help and support. They do not attract much attention, but at the same time make every effort to make the world around them better.
Recommendations: A child of this psychotype does not tolerate heavy loads, has a heightened sense of responsibility and anxiety. During education and upbringing, try to criticize such a child less, and on the contrary, encourage more often.
In problematic situations, "smart" children tend to blame themselves in the first place. Such children should be told that all people are wrong and taught not to be afraid to make mistakes.
Psychotype "genius"
"Geniuses" constantly live in their thoughts and fantasies, introverts. "Genius" children find it difficult to find common ground with their peers, but they are happy to be friends with their elders.
Children with this psychotype usually do not create problems, they are easy to negotiate and understand with adults. They tend to indulge in certain activities, at this time they lose their sense of time, drawing, designing or composing something for hours.
Recommendations: It is difficult for children of this psychotype to perform routine tasks of the same type. They have high self-esteem and well-developed intelligence. Therefore, in order to motivate a child "genius" to learn, it is necessary to interest him. Creative and challenging tasks will delight such students and encourage them to achieve new successes.
Psychotype "leader"
Achieving your goal, despite the means - a characteristic feature of the "leader". He can concentrate on one thing for a long time, calmly and purposefully goes to achieve the goal, skillfully using the resources of others.
"Leaders" will not do what is not good for them. They usually don't care too much about criticism from people they don't care about.
Recommendations: To find a common language with such a student, you need to become an authority for him. In teaching children this psychotype, you need to set clear goals and objectives.
Encourage good altruistic deeds in education to alleviate the intransigence and selfishness of the "leader."
Psychotype "intellectual"
Children of this psychotype support and always follow the rules, neat and meticulous. "Intellectuals" are characterized by increased emotionality, anxiety and vulnerability. Therefore, they can subconsciously soothe themselves by rocking on a chair, biting their nails or a pencil.
Such children adapt to changes for a long time and are wary of everything new, but they feel quite comfortable in the usual conditions. They are shy, but have good contact with peers.
Recommendations: Children of this type tend to have low self-esteem, so they are especially in need of approval and encouragement. They do not like competitions and public appearances.
The "intellectual" usually learns learning material more slowly than peers, in small steps. It is not necessary to set him an example of more successful classmates-leaders, but it is necessary to explain that everyone should compete first of all with himself. If you move in small steps, but constantly, you can reach the goal faster than the one who "runs", but constantly stops.
Building communication based on psychological characteristics will make it easier for you to find common ground with each student. Taking into account the characteristics of each psychotype will help to properly build a strategy of interaction with students and motivate them to learn accordingly.