How to motivate yourself to learn?

Especially when the motivations come from the pleasure that comes from the different right way of learning. How to motivate yourself to learn?

How to motivate yourself to learn?
How to motivate yourself to learn?

Motivation is often seen as one of the essentials for "compelling yourself to learn". However, it is often badly perceived and becomes the only factor that determines the learning process, in other cases the student quits learning, putting it off "for later" when they are motivated. There is one way you can stay motivated for longer and thereby improve your school performance and overall well-being. Especially when the motivation comes from the pleasure that comes from the right way of learning. How to motivate yourself to learn.

Why is the motivation to learn often disappearing or unattainable?

It is often difficult to motivate yourself to learn because of the specific way the brain works. This often conserves energy to better use it in emergencies due to the times. It evolved at a time where humans were hunting and often under-eating. This is especially true of the rest of the prefrontal cortex. The task of which is to acquire and process information. Watching movies or TV series engages the occipital lobe.

Which deals with the processing of visual information, which uses less of the body's energy resources than processing information with the use of the prefrontal cortex. Interaction with other people via the Internet is often more enjoyable than learning because of the centers involved in the processing of emotions.

When the brain has the choice to use energy resources for learning and to perform an easy activity that does not require a lot of energy, it will always choose the easier activity. For this reason, it is difficult to motivate yourself to learn. However, by developing proper habits, the brain will almost always prefer to carry out habit-based activities because they are more energetically beneficial than when doing other activities.

Oftentimes, the brain needs to be helped to find the right path to motivate itself to learn. There are ways in which you can trick your brain into making your motivation increase. Often, in the case of developing habits, learning becomes easier every week, until finally, a day could not exist without a period of study.

Ways to Deal with Lack of Motivation and Learn Effectively

Find out why you procrastinate:

This is the first step to getting motivated by understanding what procrastination is causing. It is often caused by a lack of faith in one's skills (the belief that homework is too difficult or the belief that there is not enough time to learn well anyway), a boring topic,s or being overwhelmed by difficulty or a large number of tasks.

Sometimes it can be an expression of rebellion against parents or waiting for the right moment to start (e.g. starting school with a full hour, and if it is a few minutes after - articalponing schooling for another full hour). Take time to think about the reason for articalponing learning, which will allow you to identify the problem and more easily select the next steps to help you regain your motivation.

In the case of a large number of tasks or difficulties, it is worth dividing learning into stages. Each larger task should be divided into smaller stages, the sum of which will cause the task to be completed or solved. It is necessary to plan how many stages will be completed on a given day, thanks to which the task is not intimidating with its volume or difficulty, but in the form of possible fragments. The excerpt could be reading a chapter in a book, solving five problems, or finding some source articles online.

It is important to develop a learning habit:

Thanks to systematic learning and forming a habit, motivation will always be present in a given period of study, especially if it is supported by rewards. Sometimes the habits are so strong that it is difficult to go into relaxation mode without studying. Important at this point is to establish a study schedule that will help you stick to certain times. Regularity and regularity are important, thanks to which, after about 20-30 days, a habit will be developed that brings the right results.

Specify the reason for learning:

This is one of the best ways to motivate you to learn. Setting goals and reasons for learning create a real motivation to learn. You will never be truly motivated if you don't know what the goal is. Create a list of reasons for achieving good academic performance that answers the questions "why and why am I learning?" and "what will science and education give me in the future?" Examples of reasons:

  • Willingness to learn more and develop
  • Develop a habit of striving for excellence
  • Achieving greater focus and discipline
  • Willingness to get into a good school or college
  • Willingness to quickly climb the career ladder
  • Providing the best for your family in the future
  • Realizing that you did your best
  • Willingness to live without regrets

Everyone should make their list of reasons, which will be a list of individual arguments behind regular learning. Place it on your desk (or another study place) in a visible place, and if you are not motivated - read it again.

Useless Topic

A common problem is a belief that a given topic is boring and useless. You can then use methods that will make it an interesting topic. Any topic can become interesting if the right question asks. Ask yourself, "is the topic boring, or have I closed my mind to it?" It often works to ask questions such as:

  • When was the technique or theory developed?
  • Who developed it? Who is this person and what else does this person do?
  • What problem does solve by introducing this technique or theory?
  • What was the world like before and after the introduction of the topic?
  • How would the present world change if this theory or technique did not introduce?

To increase your motivation to learn, you also need to understand the topic, not just memorize it. In the case of "cramming on the plate". The amount of motivation and willingness to spend energy on learning in the future decreases. Because it is an unpleasant method that requires a lot of energy. When a topic understand. It remembers for longer and learning becomes more enjoyable. Requires the ability to draw conclusions and predict or construct explanations. Merely understanding a topic and being able to communicate it in an interesting way to other people is more satisfying than just remembering it, therefore it is more motivating.

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You should not expect motivation to be available all the time. Nor should you expect it to be present throughout the learning cycle, and the best way to deal with a lack of motivation is to stop expecting it to be present all the time. Introduce a routine and develop appropriate learning habits. Sometimes there is simply no motivation, and thanks to the developed habits and routine, it will possible to perform work in a similarly effective way as if you motivate.

Benefits of Exercise

Exercise is important for the brain. You should develop your ability to concentrate by steadily pursuing your goal and making gradual progress. This can do by considering difficult problems, reading, solving puzzles, or keeping a journal. The greater the variety of exercises, the stronger and more flexible the brain will become. However, you need to remember about some relaxation, you should sleep enough hours (at least 8 hours, often in the case of learners, sleep 9-10 hours at night) and eat properly (the brain needs fatty acids to function well, often They come from avocados, nuts, and fish, and you can also help your brain by eating blueberries and blueberries, seeds, fruits, vegetables, and dark chocolate).

Often, when you regain your motivation to study, it is worth leaving home. Changing the environment makes knowledge easier to absorb and the brain becomes more agitated due to the new place. In the case of going to the library to study without taking the phone, there is often no other option and the brain motivates itself to learn.

Ways of effective learning:

Mind mapping is one way of learning that often produces very good results. It allows you to naturally mimic how your brain and memory system function, making learning more fun and easier. It mimics how the brain has processed and organized information on a topic and makes it easier to see connections between information, resulting in a deeper understanding of the topic. You can even use a regular sheet of paper and a pencil to create it, you can also make it with various applications. Oftentimes, it is useful to use colors to help your brain distinguish which information matches the "branch" of your mind map.


If you want a deeper understanding of the topic and make sure you have mastered it. It's a good idea to present a mini-presentation to your friends or relatives so that you can search for gaps in your reasoning. One of the reasons for the lack of motivation is also the inability to share knowledge with others and learn alone. Presenting knowledge to a loved one allows not only to organize your thoughts but also to see that learning brings results. Especially after seeing a flash of interest in the eyes of the listener. They can also share their knowledge, thoughts. And insights on a given topic, as well as ask questions that often require deepening of knowledge. This method of motivation is very effective. Especially if it carry out regularly.

There is also a technique called the Pomodoro Technique, which involves the use of a timer (the name of the technique comes from the shape of the timer that the creator of the method had - it was shaped like a tomato). Thanks to the use of the timer, you can concentrate better and keep an eye on the appropriate time intervals. It consists of 25 minutes of working on a given task and pausing work with a timer alarm. A marker is placed on a given page/sheet of paper, and if there are fewer than four control marks, a break for 3-5 minutes is required and the cycle is then repeated. After the four markers have been placed, take a 15-30 minute break, then draw a line through the four markers to start counting them all over again.


Studying in a group provides feedback and helps you create valuable notes with comments and information shared by others. It also often motivates people to gain knowledge. The right people for the group should acquire who should be competent, ambitious, and motivated. It is also a good idea to study, where there are one or two people who are experts on a given topic and some people who do not know it at all - thanks to this.

Experts can repeat their knowledge and come to new conclusions. as well as repeat their knowledge, and inexperienced people can gain reliable and appropriately transferred knowledge. The group size should not exceed four people as there is a distraction in larger groups. Everyone in the group is given a sense of responsibility, and you can also compare your notes with those of other people.

Entering into a friendly competition with friends is also one of the motivational methods. Asking each other daily how much material has been absorbed and whether the other party has achieved their plan for the day helps to encourage learning. This gives the incentive to achieve better results. But the competition must be conducted honestly and with a full understanding of the material, not in the case of "sheet metal" learning everything available in notes.


It is worth making learning active, not passive - information needs to process and process that must memorize and understood. Passive learning is the repetition of the same information that needs to remember over and over again. It is based on the assumption that you only need to review your notes or listen to a lecture to learn the information. Active learning is a way of information processing that involves answering the following questions:

  • Describe this?
  • What does it mean?
  • Is it?
  • Functions do it perform
  • What is it about?
  • What could it explain?
  • Why?
  • What does it matter?
  • As a result of?

Find applications for a new topic in your own life and do a case study where new ideas and theories place in context. Viewing and commenting on your friends' work can aid the memorization process by looking for gaps in reasoning or problems that do not address. You can also think of new possibilities of using a given topic to solve other problems, often it is part of group work.

How important is the organization of the day and stages of relaxation for the effectiveness of learning?

The organization of working time supports motivation. Creating a learning schedule affects the sense of control and commitment, thanks to which the motivation feels. It is a good idea to create a list of tasks for each subject to complete to prepare for the exam. And then schedule your study hours. It's a good idea to choose the same time blocks for each day so that the schedule is easy to remember and becomes a routine. About a week before the exam, you should evaluate your progress against the test requirements. If they do not meet. Adjust your schedule, frequently adding additional learning time blocks to it.

Learning Stages

Each time there are learning stages (one or two), reward yourself with a short period of relaxation or some other reward. This is an important part of phased learning and it changes the way you think. A task does not perform the duty as tedious. And a moment after which the brain can rest. Rewards are of great value when achieving long-term goals and they reward the effort and energy spent on learning.

Short Learning

It is worth learning in short series. The brain does not keep absorbing very large amounts of information at a time. And often at the end of learning new issues do not come to mind. And those discussed at the beginning forget. Learning over time is about creating permanent memory traces in the brain - for memories (creating new connections between neurons) to fix. It is necessary to keep the neurons unawakened for some time to avoid disruption. Short learning cycles allow neurons to form new memories and organize what they've learned.


If you are studying intensively, you should also schedule a time to relax and exercise. Relaxation is necessary to regain energy so that when you return to study. You can learn more effectively and remember more. The memory system takes time to record the acquired information for longer, so you should take breaks between study sessions. In the case of exercise, they help to oxygenate the brain and make more nutrients sent to it.

Which helps with thinking and concentration. The aerobic activity supports this process. Such as swimming, running, or jumping rope. You should devote at least 20-30 minutes to exercise every day. Research shows that brief periods of light exercise immediately after learning improve your ability to recall acquired information.