How to promote the self-development of high school students
Constantly work on educating the feelings of children, especially vulnerable and sensitive to everything that concerns their I

A guide for teachers
- Assess the real capabilities of students, their level of training. Implement an individual approach in the management of self-development.
- Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the level of academic achievement in each subject will help to give recommendations to each student if necessary on the correction of knowledge, to stimulate the so-called short-term goal of self-development - to eliminate gaps.
- Students who have difficulty in self-identification of personal problems, offer a clear algorithm, step-by-step actions for correction with specific recommendations: what exactly you need to learn, what sources of information can be used, what practical classes, exercises, experiments, tasks, tasks to perform to develop the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in standard and non-standard situations.
- Students with low readiness for self-development of cognitive activity should be provided with more specific information about the possibilities of carrying out activities, perhaps even point to the pages of certain sources that need to be studied. At the same time to give high school students the opportunity to choose tasks, activities from the list of proposed.
- Self-development occurs when a student on the basis of knowledge and skills acquired in the process of learning and education reveals the lack of available knowledge to solve a problem. Therefore, it is necessary to create such situations that motivate the student to independently seek solutions to problems, develop his initiative to turn to additional sources of cognitive information, form his independence. The activity of schoolchildren moves to the level of self-organization and self-regulation.
- The problem of managing the cognitive activity of students should be solved so that the student was not an object but a subject of learning and education.
Tips for teachers in working with gifted children
- Equally harmful are contempt for student achievement, and sometimes humiliation, and excessive praise of individual abilities in the classroom, which can cause, on the one hand, jealousy, irritation and even peers, and on the other - perfectionism - " star disease "of a gifted child. It is better to involve in joint classes. For example, when dividing students into gifted groups, appoint captains. Then the lesson, even held in the form of a competition, will bring victory to the whole group, not just a gifted, capable student. In general, it is better to avoid elements of competition in working with the gifted.
- Since gifted children do not accept strictly regulated, uniform classes and tasks that do not allow them to work to the full strength of intelligence, educational activities in the classroom should be organized in such a way as to pay attention to the gifted. For example, to diversify tasks and the program as a whole, to allocate time for consultations, to give students the opportunity to choose the level of complexity of tasks for independent work, to encourage curiosity, purposefulness and independence in actions, to develop initiative, flexibility of thinking, imagination.
- Early diagnosis of children's creativity and the creation of conditions for individualization of learning will be a practical implementation of the development of creatively gifted students.
- The development of creative talent is impossible without adherence to the principles of developmental learning, problem-solving, individualization.
- The main principle in the development of creative potential is the transformation of cognitive content into emotional. It means that in order to develop children's creative talent, it is necessary to systematically return them to their own emotional experiences. After all, only what strongly influenced the soul, caused a flurry of emotions, is strongly remembered.
- In the teaching of gifted children it is necessary to adhere to the mathematics-science of goal setting. It proves the need to discuss the ultimate goals and expected results at an early stage. That is, students need to be aware of what they need to do, how, and why.
- One of the basic principles of gifted education is to create a state of hopelessness or developmental discomfort (a more modern term) from which the student must seek a way out, make certain decisions and take certain actions.
Teacher's note for working with gifted children
- Constantly work on educating the feelings of children, especially vulnerable and sensitive to everything that concerns their "I".
Help gifted children to develop an adequate self-concept and self-esteem, to develop empathy.
Provide a favorable emotional atmosphere, because the child acquires emotional experience in the process of interacting with people.
Follow order and discipline, gifted children, like everyone else, must know the limits of acceptable behavior.
- Direct the energy and creativity of gifted children in the right direction so that their work is beneficial.
When working with gifted children, use the research method, it activates their work.
Develop children's abilities, widely use the method of independent acquisition of knowledge.
Teach gifted children to work together, this will help them adapt more easily to social conditions.
- Encourage children, it stimulates them.
Work closely with parents of gifted children to develop each child's abilities.