How to protect your children from hopelessness. Parents should know
basic as this is often neglected and could bring about great changes in the next generations. How to protect your children from hopelessness.

Teaching your children to stay positive and hopeful during difficult times will have a significant impact on their mental health. Keeping children safe from hopelessness is about teaching them strategies to care for their mental health. This means educating them from an early age in mental strength and the ability to cope with frustrations, adversities and disappointments in life. In fact, something as basic as this is often neglected and could bring about great changes in the next generations. How to protect your children from hopelessness.
You support them as early as possible in their language learning. You provide them with the best schools, computers and cell phones. You teach them to cross the street, instill in them a passion for reading and tell them how to recognize the North Star on summer nights.
However, sometimes you forget about other important aspects of your education. Often times, you don't just neglect understanding and managing your emotions. You are also overlooking the importance of encouraging them to be excited and being able to take a step forward when they feel discouraged and anxious.
Through education, you protect your children from hopelessness. Also try to be the best example for them. In addition, give them the tools to deal with everyday discomfort. This will go to direct positive effect on their mental health.
How to protect your children from hopelessness
Nowadays, functional sadness has been standardized. It is the kind of feeling that doesn't weigh enough to prevent you from getting out of bed every day to get out of the house, be social and do your chores. In fact, this kind of hopelessness is a common companion when you're a teenager. Provides a sufficient degree of functionality that others cannot perceive it.
We understand hopelessness as an attribution style in which every event is perceived negatively. There is no faith that what is happening today will improve tomorrow. It means interpreting certain things as inevitable. We believe that nothing can be done to improve the situation. Hopelessness also means losing all meaning and no purpose.
It is not difficult to understand that this focus is a direct factor in psychological sensitivity. In fact, it is the same type of sensitivity that builds up depressive disorders and suicidal thoughts.
It was not until the 1990s that this dimension began to be studied in children and adolescents. Previously, hopelessness was considered an adult phenomenon, research suggests.
Now we have the Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS) designed by Aaron T. Beck to evaluate this feeling. This scale suggests an increase in the feeling of hopelessness among children and adolescents.
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What can you do about it? The key is simple and ambitious at the same time: save your children from hopelessness. Let's see how.
Being emotionally available parents in children's lives
Parenting is not only about being physically present in the lives of your children. It means knowing how to be accessible parents in every way, especially emotionally. Indeed, constant presence in a child's life is essential to help him cope with disappointments, frustrations, fears and anxieties.
Teaching them to deal with what they are feeling, to normalize negative valence emotions without getting stuck in them is essential for children's well-being.
Push them to have goals and goals
Whenever you talk about goals and goals, you tend to relate it to adult life. However, nothing is as decisive in the daily life of children and young people as hope. Indeed, childhood each day must be nourished with hope, the ability to wonder, and to discover new things on the horizon.
In the same way, growing up doesn't make sense if it's not tied to desires, dreams, and short- and long-term goals. For this reason, you need to motivate them and encourage them to set their own goals.
Teach them how to solve problems on their own
When it comes to keeping your kids safe from despair, there's nothing better than giving them the right tools. You should guide them so that they can learn to solve everyday problems on their own. Indeed, it is important that they gain autonomy and understand that they can achieve many goals by being independent. In addition, the satisfaction they get from achieving autonomy improves their self-esteem.
Hopelessness feeds on negativity, a lack of purpose, and low self-esteem. One way to protect them from these negative mental filters is to be close to them. This means guiding them to learn to solve problems and thus gain self-efficacy and self-esteem.
Tell them less screen time and more life experiences
Today, children are becoming digital natives between the ages of three and nine. From then on, in adolescence and adolescence, they no longer understand the world without screens.
Therefore, limiting their use and, above all, facilitating their experiences outside this digital world will allow them to improve their mental health. Signing up for a sport or other internship is always beneficial.
Encourage them to form relationships with their peers
Children need to socialize and build bonds with their peers. Whenever possible, you should give your children the opportunity to meet other children their age. Try the mechanisms so that they always have friends with whom they can laugh, play, talk, go on trips, etc.
Promote immunity in them
Research, such as that conducted by the University of Minnesota, highlights the importance of promoting what they call "frontline" resilience to children. In fact, it is paramount that parents, teachers, and healthcare professionals lay the foundations for these competences in their students so that they can face adversity.
This way, if you want to protect your kids from hopelessness, it's important to teach them to tolerate insecurity, frustration, and have clear values. Teenagers win when they can put their thoughts into practice, which allows them to be more determined and flexible.
Finally, at a time when young people are struggling with increasing mental health problems, let's make some changes. Give them an education in hope.