How to quickly prepare for the exam
often, but it is always a time-consuming and nervous process. How to properly organize your study time? How to quickly prepare for the exam.

Exams have to be taken, though not often, but it is always a time-consuming and nervous process. How to properly organize your study time? How to quickly prepare for the exam.
Suppose there are two days left before the exam (today and tomorrow). At this time, the entrant (student) must ask himself the following three questions:
- What to teach? (what subject, material, questions, answers, books, textbooks, smart acquaintances, TV, Internet, other media).
- How to teach? (cram, tutor, mnemonics, textbooks under the pillow, reading).
- Is it necessary to teach? (Or maybe lucky? Or suddenly I know everything? Or is there a cool crib?).
What to teach?
Before you learn something, you need to decide on the sources you use. Usually the information is either too much or too little. The middle is rare.
In the first case it is necessary to choose one or two from many textbooks (if it is, for example, history. It is necessary to take school textbooks and the short course of history written by teachers of that high school in which you enter). If it is possible to use video-audio materials, do so because they are better remembered.
If it is physics or mathematics, it is better to pay attention to formulas. If the formula is too long or difficult to remember, pay attention to the components that make it up and decipher them. If the neighbor on the right can still tell you the formula, you will explain it to the teacher yourself.
Tutoring is, of course, good, but it's different in that it costs money. But if there is no money, it is not the end of the world either. Yes, you need to sit down and try to understand everything yourself. It is better to come to the tutor, to the familiar teacher with a concrete question or with a concrete subject which is not clear. This will save you and his time. It is better to use the Internet when preparing, when you know what you are looking for, otherwise the process of finding information will take longer than its assimilation.
Friends or acquaintances will be useful only if they know the material well and you know what you need to know from them. In addition, not everyone has the ability to normally explain anything. If you and your acquaintances do not meet these criteria, you will waste time. Take note.
How to teach?
This is also a serious issue. Whether you are going to study with your head, sit in the library or take a synopsis "read in transport" - the effectiveness will be different.
What can be done in a limited time?
The important thing is to force yourself to get down to business. Before the exam I want to do anything, if only not to prepare for it.
We need to make an effort. This is important and necessary. But do not go to extremes.
You should not prepare for the exam with a friend (unless he or she does not understand the material better than you). Such training often turns into long conversations and a waste of time.
Another important question: how to remember?
There are different opinions about this. Some prefer to memorize. But the most successful way to remember is mnemonics (mnemonics). What it is? The thing is quite complex, which includes, in particular, memorization by associations.
You need to remember the date - try to remember what that date means to you personally. Maybe it's aunt's birthday?
Or maybe on this day you did something for the first time or somewhere at the congress? Or suddenly this date resembles someone's phone? Just do not specifically look for family holidays. And then on the exam you will have to mention them as well.
Need to remember a formula? Look at it from a different angle. Try reading it as a word. Match each letter in the formula into a word and make a funny sentence that gets stuck in your head.
It is very convenient to remember any definitions, phenomena, events, reducing them to what you already know. Learn a long definition - try to simplify it. It is important to understand the definition, not to memorize it. Rarely do any of the teachers take at bay your explanation of the definition in their own words instead of the memorized version. Vice versa. If you can retell the definition in your own words, then you understand it. So, you understand the material.
Different people have developed different types of memory: visual, auditory, motor. People with developed visual memory will be more useful to read the material. Then the page on which the necessary subject is written is mentioned. Therefore, those who have developed motor memory, it is better to re-write the material (for example, to write cheat sheets). And so on.
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If you feel that you understand the material and can explain it, and are not tired yet, go ahead! In the evening, allow yourself to relax - take a walk, talk on the phone, read the detective, visit a friend.
Before going to bed, you can, if you do not teach, then at least turn over the material: try, looking at the title, to remember the general content of the question (if it does not work, see the section). Psychologists say that the best information is remembered during falling asleep and waking up.
You can write cheat sheets! While writing the cheat sheets, you are processing the material again. But you should not use them. When there is such "burning" paper in a pocket, the head works badly. They left her at home - the head starts working. So it is better to write and leave at home.
Is it necessary to teach?
To some, this question may seem silly. But it all depends on what you call the word "teach". For many, the word "teach" is similar to the word "cram", even if they do not think about it. During the preparation of the material should not be taught, but remembered. Do not sit with a notebook or textbook, studying any information - all this has already been given in class, at the seminar ... You just need to "turn" in your head a certain switch - and the whole "mechanism" will work
Of course, this is not an absolute option: once heard - forever remembered. No. You need to remind your head of something. (This is really necessary if, for example, was not in class). But you already know a lot, although you have no idea about it.
What can replace knowledge of the material?
Anything can happen. Imagine a bleak picture - you studied the fifth ticket all night, and you got the thirteenth, which you did not have, what you did not teach, which contains some very horrible and meaningless statements that do not understand even Peter, and he is an excellent. No need to give up. First of all, determine what grade you originally expected to receive - "three", "four" or "five". The lower the score, the better the chances of getting it. Look at the questions.
What associations does it evoke in you? Maybe you've been through something similar remotely before? Even if on the second subject. If possible, contact a neighbor. Think! You will learn information not only in class, but also on television, radio, Internet, conversations, answers of other students, not only from scientific but also from fiction (where it concerns humanitarian subjects, for example).
In the end (extreme option), you can ask the teacher for permission to choose another ticket. The score will drop by a point, but if you answer confidently and correctly, all is not lost.
In principle, assessment depends not only on knowledge. It is largely determined by the mood of the teacher, the appearance and behavior of the applicant, the teacher's impression of you, ticket number, etc. The main thing is not to panic and concentrate.
How to convince a teacher that you know his subject?
As already noted, assessment depends not only on knowledge. There are also purely subjective reasons that sometimes help us and sometimes work against us. Here are the main points that will be included in the "pros" in advance:
- Appearance and behavior of the entrant.
- Confidence and composure.
- Ability to talk a lot.
- Good mood of the teacher.
Appearance and behavior
Whatever sports style you prefer, it is still better to come to the exam in a strict suit with a jacket and try to keep seriousness.
There is such a wonderful phrase: "It is necessary - and fell in love!" Therefore, before the exam, it is desirable to fall in love with the subject that you pass. If you succeed, you can show interest and admiration even without acting skills. What is it for? To make a favorable impression on the teacher.
You should never hide from the examiner! If you go to the back desk, you will let the teacher know in advance that you are not confident. If you have already written the answer to the ticket question, and you can no longer remember anything, do not sit and wait until you are called, but rather call yourself. Such an initiative will be credited to your "pros".
It is important to remain calm and confident. Even if you don't know one of the questions at all, start with what you know. If your answer is convincing enough, the Examiner may limit himself to one question.
Do not take sedatives on the day of the exam. They can slow down your ability to think, make you drowsy and indifferent to everything that happens.
No need to doubt the unfolded tickets, remembering who will still be happy. Take the one that "looks" at you at once. The stereotype works differently: if you are looking, then you want to find something easier, that is, you do not know all the material. Remember - all tickets are the same. Bad tickets took you. If you pull the ticket first, then the bad tickets were taken yesterday.
Amulets, signs
There are many different customs and signs that are designed to help with passing and preparing for the exam. Such measures often give a positive psychological mood and additional confidence. So do as you please.