How to take care of smartphones, laptops and tablets so that they serve us as long as possible
laptop to serve us as long as possible, it is worth taking care of them properly How to take care of smartphones, laptops and tablet.

We cannot imagine our life without electronic devices that enable us to work, provide entertainment and allow us to quickly contact our loved ones. In order for the smartphone, tablet or laptop to serve us as long as possible, it is worth taking care of them properly How to take care of smartphones, laptops and tablet.
Equipment selection
Before we decide to choose an electronic device, it is good to read the opinions about it in advance. It is best to buy the best quality equipment, which may or may not mean a higher price. Reliable comparison of manufacturers' offers and selecting the equipment to our actual expectations will increase our satisfaction with its purchase. How we use the new purchase will translate directly into how long we will enjoy it.
What will our equipment protect?
Electronic devices are easily damaged - sometimes a low fall is all it takes for the equipment to be thrown out or in need of costly repair. Below is a list of items that will help us protect the device.
Protective film - A protective film can be purchased for a few zlotys. It does not provide 100% protection against screen breakage, but when the device falls from a small height, it can save it from damage. The downside of the foil is that you need great precision to properly stick it - if there are dust particles or other impurities on the phone screen, bubbles may appear under the foil, which are difficult to remove and additionally look unattractive. Poor-quality protective foil may cause discomfort when using touch screens and adversely affect the quality of colors. If we decide on a protective foil, it is worth choosing a more expensive model, because in this case the price usually goes hand in hand with quality.
Tempered glass - It will protect the screen of our phone much better than a protective film. Glass is thicker, more durable, easier to install, but it is also more expensive. However, if we decide on high-class equipment that will serve us for several years, it is good to have glass - even the most careful user of phones and tablets will accidentally drop the device.
Silicone cover - Not only the screen should be protected; it is also good to remember about the phone casing. Thanks to the cover, it will not get scratched during everyday use, and the device will be additionally protected during a fall. Manufacturers offer covers in a very wide range of colors and prints - you can buy several and change them, e.g. with each season of the year.
Cases - If you are in the habit of carrying your phone in a purse or backpack, you can have a case that protects the equipment from damage by other items that will be in the same compartment of the bag. The laptop should be carried in a backpack or bag appropriately suited to the size of our equipment.
Insurance - In case all types of security fail, you can take out insurance on your equipment. Distributors of electronic devices offer insurance for a small fee. If we are unlucky or are extremely careless and have already lost a few devices, it is worth considering additional insurance - usually its cost is much less than the cost of a new laptop or phone.
Good practices
Avoiding Eating and Drinking Near Equipment - The most common offense against our equipment is flooding it with water, coffee, tea or other drinks. You can often find a lot of food leftovers between the keys of the keyboard - it does not affect the condition of our device, so it's best not to eat or drink near electronic equipment. If we cannot resist drinking coffee while working at the computer, place it well in such a place that it will not flood our equipment in the event of a spill. It is also worth getting a closed cup.
Adequate Device Storage - Throwing your phone in a backpack full of items or carrying your laptop loose, without a backpack or bag, is not the best treatment for your gear. In order for our device not to be broken or otherwise damaged, it is best to store it in special covers or at least in separate compartments of a bag or backpack. In the case of a computer, it is very important not to obstruct the warm air outlets, and this often happens if we use the laptop in bed, holding it on our lap, or if the desk at which we are working is a mess. Covering the air outlets for a long period of time can overheat and then cause the device to turn off or, if not properly secured, to damage. Components that are too hot can also shorten their service life. It's also a good idea to physically clean your computer from time to time, as dust builds up under the cover and obstructs air circulation. Heavy objects should not be placed on the devices - this is especially true of laptops, which some people treat as books.
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Charging - The right way to charge the equipment significantly affects the battery life. If we stick to a few simple rules, the battery in our device will serve us for a long time. It is best to start charging the battery when there is no less than 15% energy left. Avoid both fully discharging the battery and leaving the device connected to charging for long periods, e.g. overnight. Energy should be kept in the range of 20-90%. It is best not to use the phone while charging, because then it can get hot, which does not have a positive effect on the battery life. The battery in the laptop should be handled in a similar way, but you can use it while it is charging and it will not do any harm.
And if the equipment fails to protect ...
If our equipment has an accident, sometimes our first reaction will determine whether it will be reusable. Here are some tips for dealing with equipment damage:
Laptop flooding - Immediately disconnect the power source, remove the battery and turn the device over to drain as much liquid as possible. Under no circumstances should you turn on your computer, even if you are tempted to make sure it works. The device should be inspected by specialists as soon as possible. We can also take the risk and after drying the laptop, turn it on and use it if there are no disturbing symptoms. However, it cannot be ruled out that after some time the device will stop working and repair will be much more expensive than checking it immediately after an accident. Fluid substances can cause corrosion and, over time, equipment may no longer be salvageable.
Flooded phone / tablet - There are many controversial opinions about how to deal with a flooded phone, incl. that the problem will be solved by covering the device with rice or drying it with a hair dryer. In fact, both of these methods can only worsen the condition of our device. As in the case of flooding a laptop, disconnect the phone or tablet from the power supply, remove the battery and bring it to the service. It is worth giving the equipment into the hands of specialists who have the appropriate competences and knowledge to professionally deal with the device.
Other damage - If we crash the screen, drop the computer or otherwise damage the equipment, it is best to immediately return it to a checked service center. If we try to repair the device ourselves or we delay using the services of professionals, it may result in a significant increase in repair costs or even the need to buy new equipment.
Electronic equipment accompanies us constantly - after waking up, we reach for the phone, work on the computer, and during the day we often use various applications. We are often emotionally connected with our devices, so we need to take care of them - thanks to that they will work more efficiently and serve us longer.