How to write a thesis?

deductions, it is scary to go to retake exams ... And the need to write and defend a thesis is especially frightening. How to write a thesis.

How to write a thesis?
How to write a thesis?

Studying time at the university is sometimes filled with experiences: you are nervous before exams and tests, you are afraid to get on the lists for deductions, it is scary to go to retake exams ... And the need to write and defend a thesis is especially frightening. How to write a thesis.

Extensive research work of a hundred pages requires a special approach, significant time resources and general courage. But graduate students often combine study and work, so jokes about students writing diplomas appear at least six months before the defense, but the work itself is articalponed until the last week.

Even under the pressure of deadlines, students cannot understand the following details: the structure of the thesis, the design of bibliographies, the search for programs to check the diploma for plagiarism. This is where the myths begin: a thesis is difficult, it is impossible to write a diploma on your own, it is better to buy a job and not spend a lot of time on it. However, if you organize all the stages of writing a diploma, then no problems will arise. You will be able to write really high-quality work for which you will receive a high score.


Writing a thesis should begin at the beginning of the final academic year.

  • The first steps in writing a thesis:
  • decide on a teacher who will manage the writing; approve the topic of work;
  • develop a basic work plan

But often students take a long time to get acquainted with the supervisor, in no hurry to decide on a topic, which leads to confusion in writing. We will try to describe each stage of work and the necessary actions on each of them.


Once the school year has begun, you must decide on a teacher. How to do it? Take into account the feedback of previous students. This information is available.

You will be able to hear that one of the teachers simply gave a topic and did not control the stages of writing, and someone helped to find useful sources, shared his observations, discussed ideas with students, arranged meetings. It is the second category of supervisors that needs to be addressed with such teachers, the whole process of writing a paper will be easier. Sometimes students do not choose their own supervisors, but if they wish, they can always apply and ask for a specific lecturer.


Once you have decided who you will write your diploma with, you need to formulate a topic, as well as immediately learn about the dates of final approval of the topic and the possibility of making changes.

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Sometimes departments or supervisors immediately give a list of topics that can be taken to work. In some educational institutions, students write term papers every year, so sometimes they can take the course topic as a basis and continue more thorough research. In any case, be sure to contact the supervisor - to agree on the chosen topic, to consult on the relevance of the topic or the availability of scientific novelty, because the study should not only be interesting for the student, but also relevant in the scientific sense, carry scientific novelty and often respond areas of work of the department.

Work plan

The topic is, you need to make a plan. You need to be responsible when building a plan. Successfully composed structure is already 50% of success! The points of the plan can be edited by the supervisor several times, changing the wording, but the basic structure determines the work and its ideas. The plan should be certified and agreed with the supervisor, preferably with short working notes on each of the items.

The bachelor's thesis consists of two parts - theoretical and practical. Most often, the theoretical section is smaller than the practical one, because in the practical part you have to present your own research and observations. In order not to make a mistake with the structure or its parts, it is necessary to study the "guidelines" that can be found at the department, supervisor or senior students.

Working with sources

Next is the collection of information. It can be libraries, periodicals, electronic resources - absolutely everything that can help in writing a work. Photocopy, take screenshots on your phone, write interesting phrases in notes - all this can then be used. The more sources you work on, the better you will understand the topic of the work and the more ideas you will find

After gathering information - start writing. No need to try to cover it all in one day. And for a week is not worth it! It is better to work 15 minutes a day on one section a month than to try to write all the work in 2 days. New ideas must come, and they appear only in the process of structured work.

Do not forget to meet with the supervisor, ask to read the diploma at different stages of readiness. The teacher will edit something, change places, offer some ideas - listen to all this! Thanks to the advice of the supervisor, you will be able to write quality work faster and unload by the end of the year.


  • For research, choose only relevant literature published no earlier than 5 years ago.

What is a life hack you can think of? The fact is that some students do not pay attention to the year of publishing the literature they found. The information may seem interesting, useful, and really relevant to your work, but in fact some data may already be changed and research may not be relevant. In order not to get into trouble during the defense of the diploma, contact only the tested, preferably recently published, sources. Consult your supervisor for literature. The choice of sources is a very responsible process. There are now enough online libraries with scientific literature. Good resources are not free, but they usually have a free trial, so you can find relevant materials.

  • Books and literature are good, and works on similar topics are even better!

This does not mean that you need to do plagiarism, no. You can search the Internet for some scientific papers on similar topics: dissertations, abstracts, theses. You can learn a lot from them: get inspired by the plan, spy on useful sources, the practical part and come up with something similar. The more you read the papers, the clearer your understanding will be, the more ideas you will be able to refine in your work with the supervisor.

  • Start writing a job in ... a few years!

To some it may seem delusional, but it is the fastest way to write a thesis. Many teachers recommend deciding on a supervisor after the second year. In the third year, choose a topic to write a coursework that you could continue in the thesis. For example, in the third year you will make a full theoretical part, which will be half of the theoretical part your thesis. You can safely use the information without changes, inserting it into the text. All this is your authorship! Can you imagine how the amount of work in the last year will decrease? After the most complete coursework, several points are often added to the plan and finalized by the student. That's all!

  • Time management is your best friend!

Do not forget to remind yourself in everyday worries that you need to take the time to write a thesis. By constantly procrastinating, you may find that you have not started anything yet. Allocate one day a week for a diploma, or set an alarm for a certain time each day. Take at least 15 minutes to write a few lines in the diploma, search for information or read the already written material.

  • Take a laptop with you and go to work in the library.

Some students find it difficult to adjust to the working atmosphere, to write the text. May distract from homework, calls, messages in messengers. Turn off the alarms on your phone, take a laptop with you, get comfortable in the reading room of the university library and start working. You will join the flow of ideas and will not want to go home! Sometimes hours that don't distract you are more productive than days at home.

  • To make no claim to the uniqueness of the text, insert the phrases you like in quotation marks with reference to the source.

Uniqueness is another problem of theses. Some universities are testing plagiarism. To avoid this rod, insert the phrases in quotation marks with reference to the source. So you will not have to rewrite the information in your own words. You can use not only published books, but also online resources.


The uniqueness of the thesis is very important, as it is your author's research, in addition, academic integrity is increasingly tightly controlled by law. Gradually, educational institutions will introduce automatic systems for checking works for uniqueness.

But what if there is not enough information on a given topic? What if you really like the opinion of an author and you agree with him 100%? Learn from the supervisor or in the "guidelines" rules for quoting primary sources. Use ideas, compare different authors, show different theories, but do not try to pretend the views and conclusions of scientists on their own.

As for the practical part, you also need to think for yourself and present your own result. You may be inspired by someone else's ideas, but be sure to develop your own research. Feel free to seek the help of a supervisor who, based on experience, will tell you where to go.

In your work, you need to know where each line is written, to which section it belongs. Be prepared for the fact that you may be bombarded with questions. And every question you can't answer will lead the commission to suspect that your work is not unique. Therefore, try to read your work several times before the performance.


Buying a thesis is no longer a problem. There are a million suggestions on the Internet that you really want to turn to when you spend a few sleepless nights trying to write a diploma. However, if you order a finished thesis, no one really guarantees the quality and uniqueness of the text and research. In most cases, custom diplomas are written by people who are very far from your subject and specialty. It is especially frustrating when a student receives a low-quality job just before the defense.

It is also not easy to defend the purchased diploma, even if the work is written more or less decently. Since you did not work, as it should be, on the topic, you will not be able to answer all the questions. Not the fact that you can find some mistakes in the reading process, correct them. It turns out that you spend money in vain, and get a negative result. Is it worth it? The design of the thesis may not always meet the standards of your university. It turns out that you still have to rework the diploma, adjusting it to the norms, to spend time on it. You can't be sure that a person wrote this work or downloaded it from somewhere. It happens that the performer writes your diploma from pieces of someone else's work. Such plagiarism is very common on the Internet.

The most correct option would still be to write a thesis yourself. Now there is a lot of information on how to do it, you can find all the necessary literature for your own research, you can always consult with a supervisor and teachers who are somehow related to your topic. Remember that you are not hampered by weak knowledge, lack of time and lack of necessary information. You are hampered by your own self-doubt. Discard this feeling! Just start writing and you will succeed!