I didn't get the job - what do I do now to get better job?

I didn't get the job - what do I do now to get better job?

It's always hard to get rejected when you've applied for your dream job, even though the vast majority of us have been through it before. Why someone else got the job can of course depend on many different things, some of which can be influenced and others not. What you can influence is how you choose to react to the message and what insights you take with you going forward. In this article, we share 5 tips that will help you get ahead in your job hunt - in the best way!

  1. Respond professionally

It's natural to feel disappointed that the job you applied for went to someone else. But regardless of how you feel inside, it's important to react in a professional manner. Thank the recruiter and the company you interviewed with, and show that you are still interested in working with them. Be professional and positive €œ even if it's the exact opposite of how you feel right now. You didn't get the job this time, but a smart move is to leave the door open for future opportunities, as the same employer may well need your skills in the future. Next time, it might just be you who gets the job!


  1. Learn from your mistakes

Learning from your mistakes is an important step towards success. Therefore, it is a good idea to evaluate the entire application process afterwards. Were there any interview questions you could have prepared better for? Did you lack specific knowledge or experience that you can supplement with education? Constructive self-criticism is essential and can be decisive for how things go in the next recruitment process.


  1. Back in the saddle

It is important to look forward, even if it feels heavy that the job you put so much heart and energy into applying for did not become yours. But there are guaranteed to be other jobs out there that you would enjoy just as much, or maybe even better! So get back in the saddle and look for more jobs. Who knows, maybe your next dream job is just around the corner?


  1. Don't be afraid of change

Do you feel that it is difficult to find jobs that feel interesting? Then it may be time to make some changes. Perhaps it was the company, rather than the role, that made you submit your last application? If so, it's a good idea to broaden your search and consider other positions you're qualified for.


Or is it the other way around, that it's the companies you send your applications to that don't feel quite right? If you have previously targeted multinational companies, perhaps you should consider smaller startups, where you get to be part of building something from the ground up? You didn't get the job this time, but the right job is guaranteed to be out there €œ it's just a matter of looking in the right place.

  1. Have patience €œ and the right timing

Getting the timing right can be crucial, no matter how much you've prepared. Even if you've taken the constructive criticism you received after your last interview and used what you've learned to improve your resume, you need to be patient and ready when the dream job comes along. And here's one simple thing you can do today: create job alerts. When you have one or more job alerts with us at Academic Work, you will receive emails when new positions that match your wishes appear. That way, you can relax knowing that when the perfect job becomes available, you'll be one of the first to know!