I have a stress problem. How to relax?
for this savior to appear only in need, and not in the already few free hours we have set aside for ourselves. I have a stress problem.

Perhaps the biggest enemy of quality life is stress. It is actually a natural reaction - a physiological one that exists because of the need for it and can even save your life. But isn't it better for this "savior" to appear only in need, and not in the already few free hours we have set aside for ourselves. I have a stress problem.
Before we look at the solution, let's first look at the problem.
What is stress?
Stress is actually a natural defense of the body, which is activated when a person is in danger - real or imaginary. Once activated, it fills the body with hormones designed to prepare you for avoidance or confrontation with the problem. Mentioned are cortisol, adrenaline and nor adrenaline. This slows down the body's normal functions - digestion and the immune system, for example, in favor of faster breathing, blood circulation, increased alertness and muscle readiness.
The events that provoke this reaction are numerous and varied - loud noises, aggressive behavior, a new job, a scary moment in a movie or even a first date.
There are three types of stress:
1.Acute stress - this is the most common of the three types. It is characterized as short-term stress. It is most often caused by the thought of tension from upcoming or recent events. For example - after a dispute or if the deadline is approaching to write an article¦
2.Episodic acute stress - people who often experience acute stress or whose lifestyle suggests frequent encounters with stressors suffer from this type. A person with too many responsibilities and a disorganized environment can often find symptoms typical of people with episodic acute stress, most often expressed in irritability and tension. Individuals who worry about small things on a daily basis also often face this type of stress.
3.Chronic stress - this is the most dangerous of the three types, as they grind from the inside for a long time. Financial poverty, dysfunctional family, unhappy marriage. It happens when the sufferer sees no way out of the situation and stops looking for a solution. Sometimes chronic stress can be caused by a traumatic experience in early childhood.
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It can often go unnoticed as one gets used to it. It can become part of a person's character, always exhausting him, no matter what situation he finds himself in. People with this type of stress often experience a final nervous breakdown, which can lead to a heart attack, stroke or aggressive attacks.
How to deal with stress?
"My head, stomach and left leg hurt from tension¦" In this case, we will offer three methods for quick relief.
Eat something tasty. Eating activates the hormone dopamine, which lowers stress levels and increases those of happiness. The most suitable foods in the war on stress are those rich in vitamins B and C, as well as Omega 3 fatty acids. Also bananas or chocolate, as they increase levels of serotonin - another hormone also responsible for happiness
Minute exercise. Stress tightens and tenses muscles. A short series of exercises (even a minute is enough!) Helps the body use them and then relaxes them. In addition, more oxygen reaches the brain, organs and muscles and immediately releases a dose of endorphins - a reward for body and soul. The exercises I can direct you to are rope jumping, squats, jumping jacks and the like - intense aerobic exercises. We leave the one hundred kilogram barbell for another time.
Progressive muscle relaxation. This is a very effective relaxation technique that can take no more than fifteen minutes. The basic idea is to tighten and then relax all the major muscle groups, starting with the head and reaching the toes. The fact that you tighten the muscles first allows them to relax more completely immediately afterwards. Unlike the above two suggestions, this can be a longer-term solution to the problem, as it also lowers levels of psychological tension and irritation, which in turn reduces the chance of stress in the future.
Long-term solution to the problem
The two main ways we will suggest for long-term coping with stress are meditation and exercise.
Exercise increases levels of happiness hormones, reduces levels of stress hormones and is one of the most effective means of combating not only stress but also depression, insomnia and anxiety. They have a stronger and longer lasting effect even than drugs designed to fight stress / depression. It is good to have a certain regime that you follow and it is in accordance with your capabilities. If you do not have the opportunity to meet a fitness instructor, there are hundreds of modes on the Internet suitable for beginners.
Meditation is one of the best habits one can build in the 21st century. It increases mental strength, gives control over life (the next time they get angry, you will have a second to think about your decision before you slap them in the nose) and allows you to live in the present moment. This leads to fewer worries about the future, less thinking about the past and easier dealing with the present. The stress levels of people who meditate often have only minimal change, even in a stressful situation. One leads a more balanced life with fewer emotional extremes.