Ideas for atypical use of tests in lessons
the level of knowledge acquisition and identify gaps in learning should not be sought. Ideas for atypical use of tests in lessons.

Testing is one of the most well-known and convenient ways to assess students' knowledge and academic achievement. Tests are used at least periodically by all teachers, and probably everyone will agree that students perceive this type of work very well. In addition, the best tool to quickly check the level of knowledge acquisition and identify gaps in learning should not be sought. Ideas for atypical use of tests in lessons.
But tests are not just about testing knowledge and assessing student achievement. It is also a lot of interesting solutions and opportunities for both teachers and children. And one of them is entertainment. Yes, using tests can be a fun game or part of this game, or even an incredibly exciting quest! And most importantly - it's very simple, especially if you use the functionality of online tests "Lesson".
We play useful
We all know how important it is to give students as much useful information as possible, which will be useful to them at least in the test, and at most - in later life. But it is often difficult for children, on whom information is already pouring in from all sides, even in large amounts, to remember. However, it is still necessary to do it! What is the way out? Provide complex and important information in the form of a game: it works with students of all ages.
And tests can be an important part of this game. You can and should play directly during the lesson, and to perform a small test, literally 5-7 questions, children will spend very little time. Consider a few simple examples.
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Before learning a new topic, ask students, based on the knowledge they have already acquired, to assume what they will study next. Of course, just guessing is not an option, it is necessary to direct students' thoughts in the right direction, which can be done by testing with auxiliary questions.
As you study the topic, ask students to learn how well they have mastered the material. But do it in an original way. For example, if you have studied Newton's laws, create an appropriate test called "How new are you?". Agree, the real Newton could easily answer all the questions related to his own scientific achievements! It is enough to translate the number of points into percentages. How many percent did you gain - you are such a great physicist. You can also play in any lesson in any subject.
And you will be able to check the homework in an interesting way. Forget about blackboard challenges that students don't like so much! Just create a thematic test and offer to take it at the appropriate link. And to add excitement and elements of the game, organize a competition: who is the fastest to complete the task correctly, is guaranteed to receive 12 points per lesson!
We search and find
Well, who among the children does not like quests? Many adults are delighted with them! And this is quite understandable, because the secrets and the search for clues are very fascinating! After all, if not a quest, it gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your own intelligence and prove to everyone that you can find a way out of even the most difficult situation. How to enter the test in the quest? Everything is simple!
- Prepare a test that is similar in content to the topic of the quest, and hide in it a keyword that will be a hint to complete the tasks of the next stage. For example, a keyword can be collected from the first letters of the correct answers to questions.
- Prepare a test directly related to the topic of the quest. Everyone who passes it 100% correctly will receive a hint to move on to the next stage. Others may try their hand again and again until they find the right answers to all the questions.
- The test can be an unexpected end to the quest. For example, at one stage, students can randomly choose a scenario: either get the next task and continue the quest, or complete the game early, correctly answering all the questions of the test. Of course, in this case, the questions should not be too simple!
These are just a few interesting options for the unusual use of online tests . You can come up with many more non-standard solutions that your students will definitely like!