Imaginary journey: the path to effective learning
conducting a lesson, but the method of imaginary travel deserves special attention. How to apply it? Let's talk about it! Imaginary journey.

Let's talk about the non-standard form of the lesson The rapid development of digitalization of society has set the school a large-scale task - to radically change the priority areas in education. After all, modern education should not be aimed at passing the theory from teacher to student, but to increase the motivation and personal orientation of students. How to activate students' work? There are many interesting non-standard forms of conducting a lesson, but the method of imaginary travel deserves special attention. How to apply it? Let's talk about it! Imaginary journey.
The essence of the method
What does the method of imaginary travel mean? This is one of the forms of active cooperation of students with the teacher, which helps to lay the foundation for the study of concepts or phenomena with which students do not have the opportunity to get acquainted directly. It involves "moving" students through time or space with their own imagination according to the developed scenario.
During the lesson, children can mentally go to other countries, to various fictional cities, meet unusual heroes. An imaginary journey depicts real facts or events. However, the ordinary is revealed through the unusual, the simple through the mysterious, the necessary through the interesting. This technique allows students to draw attention to what is nearby, but not noticed by them!
Advantages of the method
In an imaginary journey, the teacher acts as a navigator, and students - in the role of travelers, researchers, scientists who travel in space or time. The travel lesson promotes the development of imagination and fantasy, language and thinking, the search for connections between causes and effects, the interpretation of phenomena and the ability to draw conclusions. And vivid impressions and positive emotions effectively increase interest and motivation to study the subject, help to memorize faster and better learning material.
How to organize an imaginary trip in class
The main task of the teacher is to create an atmosphere in which students would imagine themselves as real travelers. How to do it?
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- Prepare carefully
Preparation for the travel lesson consists of three stages:
- Definition of the topic;
- Selection of materials;
- Creating a travel map.
A prerequisite is the presence of words in the name of the game. This will interest children and intensify play activities
- Determine the route
After preparation we pass to the following stage: preparation of a route. To get started, select a picture or photo of your destination. Next, develop a map with beacons - stations and task cards. The task should be formulated not in dry, scientific language, but in the form of various adventures, conditions and difficulties. Use visualization of materials and media!
To increase the feeling of sports interest and healthy competition, you can develop cards with points for encouragement or penalty cards for breaking the rules. You can also use surprise beacons with more difficult tasks and high scores.
- We think over stations
How many stations should there be and what should they be called? For example, there may be 4 stations: "Elementary", "Experimental", "Expert", "Creative".
The first station should test theoretical knowledge, but the tasks should be of varying difficulty so that all students can move on to the next stage.
At the "Experimental" station, students can be asked to conduct research or do practical work.
"Expert" station involves the search for practical application of the acquired knowledge in everyday life or in professional activities.
The last station can be voluntary and contain creative tasks for those teams that have coped with the previous stages.
- Choose transport
Traditionally, one of the most popular means of travel is a ship or plane. Why not create an airfield or harbor in class? Arrange tables and chairs in an unusual way in the classroom and determine the places for the ship's captain, captain's assistants, and crew members.
And why use non-traditional transport for travel? For example: water skiing, karting or a caravan of camels. You can also ask students to choose their own transportation.
Stages of the game
How to play the game? Imaginary journey can consist of 4 stages:
1 stage. Familiarize students with the rules of the game, explain the procedure for calculating incentive and penalty points.
Stage 2. Invite students to form teams and assign roles independently. You can also work individually (for example, each student should write down problem solving in his or her notebook) or collectively (when students are looking for an answer for the whole class).
Stage 3. Teams work with the map and perform tasks at each station. Once the item is passed, mark it on the map with a marker or magnet.
Stage 4. At the end of the game you should count the points and award the winners. And why not create an expert commission? Teachers of other disciplines or high school students can be invited to the jury.
In what lessons to apply
Do you think this method can only be used on geography or history? Not at all! An imaginary journey can be made in any lesson!
Invite students to take a “Journey to the Land of the Triangle in math or a “Journey to the Land of Movements in physics and to complete the mission to save the Master of Science. Or hold a "Conversation with Woland" in a foreign literature lesson and present developments in the age of digitalization.
And if you combine several disciplines into one imaginary journey? For example, it will be incredibly interesting to dive into the 19th century: to open the Mendeleev table, to communicate with prominent people and to find the causes and consequences of the Napoleonic War!
Imaginary travel is a truly exciting event! After the first journey, students will look forward to new adventures and surprises!
This is incredibly interesting course "Games in History and Social Sciences" is dedicated to. The game is an ideal variant of work: it does not exhaust the child, but develops it, makes it stronger and more perfect. The author's course will help modern teachers to use the positive energy of the game in the educational process, skillfully combining it with history and social disciplines.