Internet parental lock - is it worth using?

the network is not harmful to the child. This is why the parental lock function was created. Internet parental lock - is it worth using?

Internet parental lock - is it worth using?
Internet parental lock - is it worth using?

The average age of a child who receives their first smartphone is 10 years. Very early on, a young man is confronted with a tremendous amount of information and content, much of which is not intended for his eyes. The Internet is like a huge, ever-expanding city without a sheriff. Therefore, this role belongs to the parent, who should ensure that such early contact with the network is not harmful to the child. This is why the parental lock function was created. Internet parental lock - is it worth using?

What does parental lock give us?

Parental lock is a filter through which websites are passed to separate the safe from the absolutely unsuitable for the young eye and mind. The child is often unable to protect himself against the influx of pornographic or violent content - parental supervision is needed. Moreover, this function minimizes the possibility of online contact with strangers. Another advantage of the blockade is the verification of the time the child spends online or using the application, which helps to prevent the development of addiction to mobile devices. The parental lock is also the safety of the device itself. It makes it impossible to download programs and applications without the parent's knowledge, so viruses are less likely to enter the system. The child also does not have the option to delete files previously installed on the device.

How does a parental lock work?

Today, users of devices with Internet access have a wide range of solutions to protect their children from accessing harmful content. Usually, the absolute basis is the software installed at the factory. But the network can be controlled even from the level of the browser itself. It is possible to filter pages in terms of specific words, such as "death", "sex", "murder", etc. Today, browsers allow you to create several accounts, based on separate guidelines.

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There are also a number of paid and free parental control support programs.

Safe smartphone?

While we shouldn't ignore any of the sources of harmful content. The smartphone is the most common device with Internet access among young people today. Mobile phones are given to children at an increasingly earlier stage of development. The research carried has shown that almost all children actively use smartphones with Internet access - most of them before the age of 10. Devices with Android and iOS systems enable the installation of appropriate software to protect the youngest users.

Find out how to install parental controls on Android devices here. IOS device owners should check out here.

Let's protect children online!

The arms of a responsible caregiver who cares about the proper development of a child. They should try to cover the largest possible area - including endless cyberspace. It also may have easier access to materials that may have a positive impact on his further education and the acquisition of healthy habits. Rationing the time a child spends online is also an ideal way to balance the proportion of time spent on the Internet and other activities (e.g. reading books, physical activity, etc.)