Interview - why is it worth participating?
change your mind and start actively participating in traditional meetings for parents? Interview - why is it worth participating.

Since electronic journals have become the norm in schools, many parents have begun to resign from coming to the meeting room. Their justification is based on the idea that they have constant access to grades and additional information about the student on the web. During the pandemic, this condition became permanent, as contact with the school was limited only to the online form. But why should you change your mind and start actively participating in traditional meetings for parents? Interview - why is it worth participating.
Parent at school
Parents are an important group in the school community that has a significant impact on the educational, preventive, and social activities of the school. It is they who can and should decide on the directions and forms of activities in these areas of the school's work. Parents are the first educators of their children, and their fruitful cooperation with the school is the best upbringing strategy.
Each parent, through their representative in the Parents' Council, can contribute to establishing the educational and preventive strategies of the school and to many aspects of the school's work organization (e.g. working hours of the day-room, school events, and celebrations, days off in the year, spending funds raised by parents for the school). , safety rules in the institution, participation in the evaluation of teachers' work).
Benefits of participating in parent and child interviews
Access to information about:
- School offer,
- Progress in learning and behavior,
- The student's achievements and successes,
- Educational problems and learning difficulties,
- Possibilities of support in problems with the child,
- Child participation in school life,
- Opportunities to participate in the life of the local community,
- Educational requirements for individual assessments,
- School educational and preventive program,
- Institutions and organizations supporting the teaching and educational process,
- Assessment rules,
- Rules for conducting external examinations.
- Possibility to diagnose the child's needs:
- For parents of children with learning difficulties - contact with a pedagogue, psychologist, arranging a possible visit to a psychological and pedagogical or specialist clinic, establishing the principles of ongoing support in learning.
- For parents of disabled and sick children - contact with specialists at school (psychologist, therapists, school pedagogue), contact with psychological and pedagogical or specialist counseling center, arrangements for the Individual Educational and Therapeutic Program (IPET) and multi-specialist job evaluation student.
- Parents of gifted children - a detailed analysis of the needs of a gifted child and agreeing on support at school and at home in this regard (specially gifted students tend to be intellectually, visually, emotionally and sensory-sensory hyperactive), which is the basis for effective development assistance.
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Ongoing participation in the education and development of your child
We must remember that the measure of a child's development is not graded on a scale of 1-6, but progress and knowledge of areas in which it can or should develop. The image of the children's own will be incomplete (and maybe false) . If the parent is unable to verify this image through interviews with teachers (educator, educators) and other parents. Only the juxtaposition of different points of view will be the basis for an objectified image of the child's capabilities. This is valuable because it allows you to find out what to really expect of your child.
Development of the parent's psychosocial competences
Many schools offer parents, during parent meetings, participation in lectures, presentations, or workshops aimed at supporting parents in their upbringing. For example, supporting children's motivation to learn, developing interests, possibilities of concentration, setting development plans and goals, etc. Even if a parent has knowledge on a given topic, participating in such a meeting contributes something new, organizes knowledge, and shows a different point of view. Being a parent (educator of your child) requires constant reflection. Because only then can we be a real support for a young person.
Knowledge and a better understanding of school situations
During school meetings, parents can learn more about the students (class team). To support their children to better understand the school situations in which they are participating. This can not only improve the working atmosphere in a class team but also develop empathy in children and support their communication skills. If, during school education, students learn to communicate well with other children. In adulthood, it will be easier for them to establish relationships and cooperate. Because colleagues in a company, industrial plant, or institution are not selected.
Participation in interview meetings is no longer dictated solely by the desire to obtain information about the child's progress. The parent can read the current news in the electronic journal. However, it is worth attending school meetings regularly in order to benefit from the educational support, which provides. The possibility of consulting teachers, the availability of specialists who support in diagnosing the child's needs, thematic meetings that enable the development of parents' educational competencies.
Good relationships with the parents of other students in the classroom can be the starting point for parental support for each other. But also for quick and effective interventions when needed (e.g. when children engage in risky behavior). Such meetings are also a great opportunity to discuss different educational views. They can contribute to a change in parents' attitudes. Attendance at meetings also helps to better understand children's relationships within the classroom, so that the parent can engage in effective discussions at home about various school situations.