Is critical thinking needed in our society? Should we focus on it?

ritical thinking on everything ranging from politics, philosophy and science is applauded and appreciated. This has led to a boom in

Is critical thinking needed in our society? Should we focus on it?
Is critical thinking needed in our society? Should we focus on it?

Modern day innovations have one thing in common. Behind them are individuals who had thought; critical thought to be precise. In most first-world countries, research and critical thinking on everything ranging from politics, philosophy and science is applauded and appreciated. This has led to a boom in innovation in said regions especially in the fields of science leading to vast technologies in 3-4 decades benefitting these regions greatly and bestowing them with immense wealth. Therefore, it is of paramount importance that we as a society should focus our efforts on developing critical thought in our society and it should be focused upon.

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Modern day schooling in Asian regions is devoid of any notion of critical with more institutions focusing on cramming and memorization rather than developing abstract thought concepts and ideas. Questioning is frowned upon and debates and discourse on politics and science are quickly shut down. This is not healthy for a society and has in turn let to societal decline where bright minds are moving to areas where there is more freedom of expression and thought. This “brain-drain has led to a greater decline in innovation in our region with lesser scientific inventions and discoveries happening in our region.

A large reason as to why our region lacks in proper innovation and critical thought is the lack of government funding in educational institutions that focus on research. This lack of research and questioning has led to educators and students relying less on new research and instead siphoning off of research centers based in the countries mentioned above. This vicious cycle of dependency has led to further decline of our research sector as a whole, thereby reducing the amount of critical thought in our region. Without critical thought, a society does not evolve and without evolution, a society cannot thrive. Therefore, critical thinking is very important for our society and we should indeed focus on it.