Is writing a book hard or easy?

which involves talent, patience, determination, specific skills and combination of linguistic competence. is writing a book hard or easy.

Is writing a book hard or easy?
Is writing a book hard or easy?

Writing a book, whether a textbook or fiction, is not an easy task. It is even harder than you realize. Every time someone has a great story to tell or a great idea to share, it seems logical to write a book on it. However, many people fail to write one only because their sole purpose is to see their name on the binding of the book. Writing a book is entirely different from painting a portrait or composing music. Like anything else, demands a long process which involves talent, patience, determination, specific skills and combination of linguistic competence.

Despite all the difficulties involved in music compositions or paintings, writing book still seems easier due to the reason that we all have been writing all our lives. We write when at school, we write to make grocery lists, we do electronic writing which is writing emails and in other forms of internet communication. As writing is a part of our daily routine many do not see it as a skill.

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Writing is a kill that does not come easily and that is more valid when it comes to writing a book. It is true that a book reaches from the writer to a reader hands after the writer finds an agent, a publisher, someone to do packaging and then finally marketing the book. But is much more than that; the actual process of book writing is harder than you may think. It involves writing a draft, editing it, rewriting, reediting, rewriting and polishing the content. Composing the most befitting words is the real technique in writing a book which does not come easily to everyone.