It has been proven that too high self-esteem causes a decrease in empathy
Low self-esteem is a problem for us. However, too high self-esteem leads to narcissistic behavior and a lack of empathy. Perhaps many wil

Low self-esteem is a problem for us. However, too high self-esteem leads to narcissistic behavior and a lack of empathy.
Perhaps many will be surprised by the fact that too high self-esteem lowers empathy. The trait of self-confidence causes problems with intercourse with others, conflicts and behaviors typical of the narcissistic profile. It is not easy to understand why someone puts on a crown and disconnects from others.
Low self-esteem also causes numerous problems such as insecurity, lack of agency, anxiety and depression. You often find therapy with such problems.
Both too low and too high self-esteem are problematic. Lack of self-control makes it even more difficult to maintain balance. It is noteworthy that "enjoying" high self-esteem distorts a person's ability to empathize.
Let's analyze it.
Why too high self-esteem reduces empathy?
Strange as it may seem, experts say too much self-esteem brings with it serious problems. When someone considers himself infinitely better than others, he demands the same from the environment. This results in a lack of mutual respect.
Problems in relationships, at work, in social relations ... People with low self-esteem are not able to defend themselves against something like that. On the other hand, living in the belief of one's own greatness often leads to aggressive behavior.
The theory of self-verification
Professor of social and personality psychology told us the theory of self-verification. What is this concept about? This is an interesting and explanatory aspect that allows us to understand why too high self-esteem reduces empathy.
A person with too high self-esteem is constantly looking for "self-verification." In other words, he has to reaffirm his reasons and actions over and over again. In this way, he strengthens his confidence in his own greatness. However, the problem arises when he begins to have expectations of other people.
Then he wants the people around him to strengthen his self-esteem, his features, competences and actions. Professor says that this is also very problematic in the professional arena.
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When dealing with a boss or colleague who is obsessed with demanding others to validate his values €¹€¹and competencies, there is a risk of disconnecting from common goals. This personality profile is characterized by a lack of empathy.
Narcissism: when too much self-esteem leads to a decline in empathy
As already mentioned, too high self-esteem is a typical trait of a narcissistic personality. Research like this one show that self-love and self-satisfaction come in many forms.
On the one hand, we have people with positive self-esteem who are willing to cooperate with others. They have a healthy self-image and are able to appreciate and respect others. However, when we say that too much self-esteem lowers empathy, we mean narcissists.
Their entire mental activity, all attention, emotions, and motivations are focused on themselves. They do not empathize, they are unable to appreciate or sympathize with others. In many cases, when they do not receive enough outside attention and validation of their worth, they become aggressive and show disrespect.
Too high self-esteem and its consequences
Too high self-esteem reduces empathy, which has a large impact on social relationships and relationships. When someone cannot understand and see the other person, they deepen the distance. This results in many instances of being judged and ostracized.
However, there is more. Research carried very interesting data. First, too high self-esteem is related to an inflexible mentality, a lack of openness to changes and challenges, and a fear of showing lack of competence.
They are blind to their own mistakes, do not accept criticism, are immature, and have poor emotional management. This proves again that extremes - also in psychology - can be problematic. Therefore, too much self-confidence is dangerous.
It is the germ of aggression in relationships, it is the enemy of harmonious coexistence and it is a factor that hinders the creation of a productive and respectful atmosphere at work.