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One more achievement accomplished by Gibs Pakistan
the Year helps them to achieve more milestones nationally and internationally. O...
How to protect children vision
Children are great imitators and they. a childs learning and social development ...
Global warming is causing extreme weather conditions
Global warming is not something new. Since decades experts have been warning peo...
Common mistakes that children make at school
We all make mistakes and we learn from them. Our mistakes teach us valuable less...
What is freelancing?
Freelancing is all about offering services as a self-employed individual. Freela...
Is making money online fake?
work and then take all their information and use it to their own vested interest...
How to stop kids from drawing on walls?
Children should not be scolded for this habit rather should be dealt with love a...
Do Kids Learn Faster than Adults?
We all know that children are fast learners, however, it will be interesting to ...
Using Zoom to connect with students
The same is happening with Zoom. People are using this app extensively to connec...
Punjab the land of rivers
Punjab, which literally means €œfive waters€ originally got its...
There should be a tracking system in studentsâ„¢ ID cards
It was suggested in a blog by New York Times that student ID cards need to have ...
Equality of opportunity
In the modern world the concepts of equality and equity are gaining momentum as ...
Benefits of writing a diary
Diary writing has been a daily chore for many people for many years. writing one...
Social Media Has Improved Human Communication
Social Media started its way to the top from the simplest of forms. Newspapers,...
Pakistan: The historical heritage
sandstone carvings, these wonderful pieces of Islamic architecture in the form o...
Lack of sleep can disrupt development of children brains
Researchers found some possibly disturbing signs after measuring brain developme...