Leadership is the Capacity to Translate Vision into Reality

to make them realize that they are the one who nourish students as successful and responsible citizens. Leadership is the Capacity to Translate Vision into

Leadership is the Capacity to Translate Vision into Reality
Leadership is the Capacity to Translate Vision into Reality

It is a dilemma that in our society teaching profession is taken as last choice. Education and health both professions direct deal with human beings. We should have zero tolerance for mistakes and negligence. Therefore, we motivate schools and teachers to make them realize that they are the one who nourish students as successful and responsible citizens. Leadership is the Capacity to Translate Vision into Reality.

  1. Tell us about yourself and an account of your respective field?

Ans.My field of experience is teacher education, motivation at work, formation of policies and procedures, quality assurance, entrepreneurship and capacity building. I started my career as a teacher in 1993. Since, last 27 years I am serving in education field.

In the beginning of my career as a teacher I didn„¢t know much how to teach students while using various teaching techniques, methods and approaches. Later, I have joined Beaconhouse, Head Office as launched its project “The Educators, I realized that we need to do much work on ËœCurriculum Designing, Student Learning Objectives & Outcomes (SLOs), Teaching Methods, Teaching and Learning Resources Development, Formative & Summative Assessment of SLOs. We have prepared centralized school operations manuals for Academics, Administration, Health Safety Environment (HSE) and Life Skills. I have been visiting schools across the country in order to compliance of manuals and evaluate schools as a whole. I have been conducted artical evaluation trainings and cluster based trainings as well.

2. Tell us about the institute that you are running and notions that you have initiated here?

Ans.I have launched “Institute of Professional Excellence in October, 2016€œas an employee of many renowned institutes I have come across many issues related to schools, teachers, students and parents which needed to be addressed but I found myself helpless due to my job. So, I have planned to set up my owned Insititute where I can work independently. IPE work for teachers„¢ education, introduce modern teaching methodologies and offer our services to evaluate multiple elements which needs to be adhered by the school, college and university as a whole unit. We also conduct evaluation of academic service, curriculum book lists review, assess school leaders, teachers and students„¢ performance and all related areas. In addition to this, we are providing services for student aptitude tests so that school could teach them according to their skills and abilities. Parents have significant role in student learning So, we organize guidance and counselling sessions for parents generally and for the mothers specifically.

3. How you work on the attributes of teachers and infuse effective methodologies in them?

Ans.It is a dilemma that in our society teaching profession is taken as last choice. Education and health both professions direct deal with human beings. We should have zero tolerance for mistakes and negligence. Therefore, we motivate schools and teachers to make them realize that they are the one who nourish students as successful and responsible citizens.

Teachers have diversified role to be performed in classroom as mentor, guide, manager and a leader of students. So, it is necessary to make sure that they should be professionally sound and well trained. Besides, they should offer job security along with attractive salary package.

4. Currently, what are the projects that you are engaged in?

Ans.IPE not only playing its role in the field of education but also extending its services for youth development while forming societies, clubs and forums according to their interest and role,In addition to it, IPE is planning to establish youth forum for youngsters to groom themselves according to the requirement of 21st century 4Cs scenario.

Women welfare activities are being perform to promote small businesses at their door steps, we offer interest free micro financing facility to a needy, widows, and orphans on easy terms and conditions. Furthermore, we have established skills development cell where round the year short courses are being offered and end course job security is ensured. Last but not the least, we also organizing training session for prisoners„¢ development. And playing our role in police reforms as well.

5. Do you think Pakistan is growing in terms of education sector?

Ans.If I would review my previous experience and talk about the current scenario, I will say; yes, but when we compare public and private sector change is visiblein private sector. Because,project based learning (PBL), 4Cs concepts (Communication, creativity, critical thing and collaboration), knowhow about the learning domains (cognitive, affective and psychomotor domain) is noticeable, SLOs and lesson planning is being practiced, and classes to some extent shifting teacher to students centered. Concept of group work, pair work, role paly and project based presentation is being used. On the other hand, the government sector has more funds but change process is very slow which is the main reason its growth and development is stagnate.

6. How can we produce quality teachers for our young students?

Ans.We have to develop a large number of institutes where teachers could get chance to attend training sessions on a regular basis, so they could teach according to ever changing educational requirements and demands. “AKS formula should remain in focus and teacher should develop “Attitude “Skill and “Ability before to adopting teaching as profession. It can be achieved by creating the professional development environment; pre-service, in-service and continuous professional development opportunities along with periodic performance review mechanism.

7. How can we inject the element of practical learning in our teachers?

Ans.Teaching profession has more responsibility not only to educate the students but also in the development of behaviors and skills. Therefore, teachers should hold a relevanttraining in teaching, child psychology, behavior management, curriculum review and planning, community development and self-management. For that purpose they need to hold educational degrees e.g.B.Ed, M.Ed, MA.ELM and more others. Similarly, theoretical knowledge along with teaching practice should also be a mandatory and prerequisite of teaching profession.

8. Enlighten us about the various modes of effective teaching methods?

Ans.Various teaching techniques should be used while using teaching methods; such as we taught language (English/ Urdu) as subject, whereas, we should teach language to improve and enhance skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing). On the other hand, science subject should be more focused on discovery learning, inductive & deductive method, observation and analytical skills and experiments. Learning objectives to learning outcomes all activities should be well planned and students should be allowed to share their ideas, thoughts, experiences, past experiences while using language skills. Easy to complex and problem solving learning environment should be created. They should be allowed to bring innovation and display their ideas in front of class so that their communication, creativity, critical thinking and collaborative skills can enhance according to 21st century 4Cs concept.

Must Read: Angela Williams is one of the founders of Bloomfield Hall Schools €œ currently she is functional as the Principal at Bloomfield Gulberg.

9. If you could go in the past, is there anything that you would like to change?

Ans.Yes! Many things, but above all, I wish could write biography of my father. My father was an officer in Pakistan Navy and an eye witness of many activities which were being performed by Navy in his tenure. He has been eye witnessed fall of Dhaka, 1965 and 1971 wars. He told me hundreds of stories which I heard multiple times, if I could have recorded them then I would easily have created a book out of it. In addition to this, if I could go back then play my role in youngsters„¢ life to become artist, poet, writer or tourist because apart from my current profession I am nature lover who always possessed to discover nature beauty and then display it on canvas, express it in poetic form, or explore it as tourist.

10. What message you would convey to the teachers and our readers?

Ans.€¹As we all knew, education play its vital role in any society and in the history of civilization. Islam advises us “seek knowledge cradle to grave. Teaching and training demands high quality education standards to be provided across the board from preschool up to higher education Institutes. It can be ensured through sufficient funds allocation, right person for right job, recognition of services, acknowledgement and appreciation of dedication, criticism for improvement, planning education commission that should provide forum for collaboration between public and private sector, orientation of key performance indicators, continuous professional development mechanism and performance evaluation. IPE possess to form state of the art professional development Institutes across the Pakistan. In Shaa Allah!

11. Your message for INFORMAL Magazine?

I am very grateful and honored to be interviewed by your editorial board. I have gone through few previous versions of your magazine. It is appreciated that you are covering almost all areas of life. It is my humbled submission that Informal Educational Board should be formed that contact or visit educational institutes and collect issues and then suggest their solution. It will be a great contribution from the forum of your magazine. May your magazine flourish day and night. Ameen. Pakistan Zindabad !