Learning to play the guitar on your own - It's possible

More and more people, not only young people, begin their adventure with independent learning to play instruments.

Learning to play the guitar on your own - It's possible

More and more people, not only young people, begin their adventure with independent learning to play instruments. Internet forums are full of questions . How to start ? Do you need a teacher? Can you learn to play over the internet? Which guitar should I start with? You can find answers to these and several other questions in this article.

In the pre-internet days, the only way to learn the ins and outs of guitar handling was to meet someone who already knew the guitar well. Today it is not necessary to graduate from music school. There are many interactive lessons, forums for beginners,

Regardless of what equipment we choose - whether it will be a classical, acoustic or electric guitar, first of all, it's important to learn to play it well.

What do you need to focus on to play the guitar well?

  • First, It is very important when learning to focus primarily on one element that we are currently improving. Practically, for example, when we want to master the basic chords, it will be useless if we try to play them all at once. We work on each element separately, devoting maximum attention and time to it. Playing any instrument is fun for cool people.
  • Second, the already mentioned patience. The beginnings can be difficult, so don't get discouraged when you feel unpleasant numbness in your hands or pain in your fingertips. Therefore, you should not strain yourself with too difficult exercises that are not adapted to your skills.
  • Third - regularity. It is not a question of practicing for several hours each day, especially if you have not yet mastered the basics. However, it is important to do this on a regular basis. After a short time, the first effects of your work will be noticeable.
  • Fourth - let's leave the pieces of our favorite band for later. From the very beginning of working with the instrument, it is worth asking yourself a question - do we want to learn to play or play a few specific songs?

Where to start learning to play the guitar?

It is never too late to learn guitar. In principle, anyone can learn to play it, but you need patience and consistency. Beginnings can be difficult and everyone who has tried knows it. Of course, some will find it easier to do so, but it is a cheap excuse to dodge the lack of talent. Work is the most important thing. Many skills come with time, as you gain practice, exercise and stretch your fingers, etc. Not only any video lessons available on the Internet will be very helpful, but also books or DVDs with lessons.

Of course, you need a guitar to get through them. The first steps can be taken on a borrowed instrument, but if we think in the long term, it is better to buy an instrument.

It is worth knowing that guitars can be divided into several types: classic, bass, electric, acoustic. Among the plucked instruments are also popular, among others ukulele and banjo.

How to Choose a Good Beginner Guitar?

It's best to start your adventure with the guitar by buying a classical guitar. Mainly because of the strings it has. They are made of nylon and wound on plastic pins. Why this kind of string? They are quite soft, so that the fingertips do not hurt so much. If we already have acoustics that was dug out of the garage or inherited - be careful! It may not be suitable for learning! The wood from which the guitar is made works and changes its properties. In other words - old guitars sound much better, provided that they are stored in the right conditions. The instrument, dug up out of nowhere, is best given to a specialist, at best he will only suggest string replacement and proper tuning. Staying on the topic - a beginner guitarist will definitely need a guitar tuner. Such a device is attached to the guitar head with a clip. It is also worth getting a case that will protect the instrument against the harmful effects of external factors, e.g. sun or rain, and will allow you to conveniently carry the equipment.

Acoustic or electro-acoustic guitar can also work well in science. Acoustic guitars have a larger body and a narrower neck than the classics. In addition, metal strings, which may be painful for a beginner guitarist when playing them. The bridges and the mounts are also different. The densely spaced strings make it easier to make a mistake, but they produce a more resonant sound. They are also more expensive than classic ones, but they will prove themselves by the fire and playing with music.

Electro-acoustic guitar will be better on stage. It is an acoustician with a transducer that can be connected to a public address system. There can be models made of wood (they will be more expensive, but transfer sound better) or cheaper laminated ones.

There are also models of hybrid, classic-acoustic guitars, with a special bridge that allows you to mount both nylon and metal strings. Other hybrid models are electro-classical guitars. If one is left-handed, he does not have to worry that he will have to learn to play with his weaker hand. There are quite a few left-handed guitar models available on Allegro.

Exercises for beginners

We must remember that in the case of a guitar, it is not the appearance that is most important, but the comfort of use. Therefore, attention should be paid primarily to the width of the bar - the wider bar makes it easier to learn the correct positioning of the fingers. Guitar chords sound better when the left hand is used to such an attitude. A wider neck can be problematic at first, especially for users with relatively short fingers. However, do not be discouraged at the very beginning - we are able to get used to such inconveniences very quickly.

Playing the guitar is very pleasant, but we have to take into account that at first our fingertips may hurt or our hands become numb. Therefore, it is worth starting your adventure with the guitar by practicing shorter but systematically. It's also important not to try to play very quickly right away. The most important thing is to play clean. The fluidity will come with time. So let's be patient, because learning does not last for a short time and, above all, focus on being systematic.

New or used guitar?

Whether we choose a new product or decide to start searching for used guitars depends primarily on the size of our portfolio. However, it is recommended that you purchase new mid-range equipment rather than a high-end second-hand guitar. This mechanism works for inexperienced and beginning guitarists. Besides, we do not know if playing with music will stay in our lives for longer and whether we will really need expensive equipment. However, if we are sure of our decision, we should not save, it is worth investing in something that will serve us for many years.

Even the best guitar or the best accessories will not replace practice. Regularity, exercise, regularity, exercise ... is the only way out.