Lesson ideas for spring
arrived. How you greet it with your students and make it a topic, you will find out in this text. Lesson ideas for spring.

Spring is the season of departure and growth. When the snowdrops sprout in March and the first lemon butterflies flutter through the garden, it is an unmistakable sign that spring has arrived. How you greet it with your students and make it a topic, you will find out in this text. Lesson ideas for spring.
Spring awakening
In spring, nature comes to life again. We humans are happy about it, we celebrate the return of the beautiful weather, enjoy every ray of sunshine and spend more time outdoors again. As a season of awakening and growth, spring makes it easier for us to tackle new projects.
As a teacher, you can wonderfully incorporate spring into your lessons. In particular with topics that are directly related to the worlds of children and young people, you enable a good start and create an understanding of complex relationships. Here are some thematic impulses that should inspire you and that can be methodically adapted for different subjects and age groups:
- Customs and rituals in different cultures
Every culture has a different way of greeting spring. All over the world, the life-giving season is an occasion for festivals, customs and rituals - not only at Easter. In some regions of the world, for example in Central Asia, the beginning of spring is even synonymous with the New Year festival. At the Lantern Festival in many East Asian countries, people raise colorful lanterns into the night sky. At the Japanese Cherry Blossom Festival, the focus is on the beauty of the pink flowers. Centuries-old myths and legends surround some celebrations and customs, for example the Witches Festival in the Harz Mountains, which is traditionally celebrated on Walpurgis Night (dance in May).
Join your students in search of the roots of these traditions and bring them to life in class. Easter with its variety of rituals and symbols is also ideal for an international comparison.
- Cute baby animals always leave
The hedgehog wakes up from hibernation, the brown hare loses its winter fur and the first migratory birds are returning from the south. When it gradually gets warmer in spring and the food supply in the native nature increases again, the animals also become more active again. A particularly large number of baby animals are born between March and June. Why actually? Let the children and young people explore the connections between the reawakening of nature and the birth of the offspring. Talk about the protective instinct that comes over us when we see an adorable baby animal. Ethical aspects can also be taken into account in the context of the natural cycle of life.
- Spring fatigue, hay fever and Co.
"Health!" Spring time is pollen time. In your class, too, one or the other will struggle with the subject of hay fever and allergies. And the notorious spring fatigue is also guaranteed to be noticeable in different ways in your students. An ideal opportunity to get a closer look at health aspects related to spring.
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What happens in the body's hormonal balance when the days get longer again? How does this affect our diet, our sleep and our vitamin needs? And when and why does which pollen fly through the air and challenge our immune system? You can get to the bottom of all these and other questions about your body and health in spring.
- Do something good for bees and other insects
"Where did all the bees go?" The reasons why the insects that are so important for our ecosystem are becoming fewer and fewer are man-made. In addition to theoretical treatment of the topic of insect mortality, you and your students can also take action right away: Build an insect hotel!
Such a house is not only helpful for wintering - it serves as a place of retreat and nesting aid for the small beneficial insects all year round. On the Internet you will find plenty of inspiration as well as specific instructions on how a hotel should be constructed in which bees, wasps and other useful insects feel comfortable, where it is best placed and what should be considered.
Do you have a school garden or a free patch of earth on the school premises that is suitable for creating a bee-friendly bed? Optimal! Then grow some plants there that bees and other insects love. A raised bed with herbs is also an interesting option.
By sensitizing and educating people about the issue of insect mortality and at the same time becoming active together, you convey what it means to take responsibility and work for an important change. So that the commitment does not remain a flash in the pan, have the student document all work steps and all other observations around the hotel and bed in groups.
- Learn languages €¹€¹in spring
Whether English, Arabic, German, Spanish or French: The vocabulary to be taught can be perfectly adapted to current events over the course of the year. This increases the students' motivation, because they can often apply the newly learned vocabulary directly in everyday life. You are guaranteed to find what you are looking for quickly when researching poems and short stories on the subject of spring.
- Mathematical spring fever
Spring and math? Why not? Because mathematics is known to be in everything, you can also take up spring phenomena well in math lessons. Let your students work out how long the days at the beginning of spring are and how the ratio shifts over the course of the year. With the help of early bloomers, their flowers and leaves, the students can track down geometric shapes and determine areas. At the same time, through close observation, they sharpen their awareness of how much mathematics is hidden in our environment.
It is a nice and enlightening challenge to calculate the flight routes that cranes and wild geese cover every year when they fly south or return from there in spring. How long are the animals on the road in total if certain resting times are included?
Finally spring!
Spring is not only beneficial for sports teachers - because this beautiful season naturally encourages you to go out with the students. There are also many opportunities in other subjects to incorporate spring into everyday (school) life in a creative, active and, above all, joyful way. Who doesn't look forward to spring?