Life changes: Avoiding them is worse than making changes
insecure once we do. But the targets on the horizon are undoubtedly worth the risk. Life changes: Avoiding them is worse than making changes.

The willingness to avoid change simply manifests our desire to stay in our comfort zone. This is the hypothetical area where we don't have to face our own fears at all. However, changes in life require in many cases an attempt to confront our uncertainty. We will also need to be aware that either way we will feel anxious and insecure once we do. But the targets on the horizon are undoubtedly worth the risk. Life changes: Avoiding them is worse than making changes.
Why are we so afraid of all kinds of changes, when the life of each of us is so full of them? After all, this is the only thing that remains constant and repeats itself with remarkable regularity. Life changes. After all, they occur overnight. Their presence is something we can be sure of.
After all, we are no longer the same person we were yesterday. And no matter how hard we try, the constant changes in life mean that we are also not the same person that we will become tomorrow.
Due to the accumulation of all sorts of new and old circumstances, life changes just keep happening. Even if we are not aware of it at first glance. Therefore, we just need to stop being afraid of anything that brings us to all kinds of changes in our lives.
Resisting and fearing all sorts of new things and situations is not the way we should go through our lives. Why, for example, do we have a constant tendency to think that once, a long time ago, it was much better than it is now?
Life changes and traps in the form of our memories
One of our most common habits is idealizing the past. Basically, it comes from a tendency to forget about the negative aspects of all kinds of things and situations. In effect, it is just that in our memories we usually focus on the positive aspects of the past.
Therefore, we usually remember only the good sides of our childhood, for example. Moreover, if moments and situations full of worry and despair arise on our way, we will most likely simply start comparing the world we live in today with previous moments that we thought were easier and much more enjoyable.
Our memory, however, is not completely reliable because it is constantly changing. In fact, memories of all kinds have a small, fairly short period of time in which they can be modified. What's more, their modification is based on the situations that occur in our lives here and now. As a result, the memories we have stored in our memory rarely 100% reflect what really happened.
That is why we continue to look through rose-colored glasses at everything that has happened in our lives in previous years. And we store these not-so-true images mainly to use as a comparative model every time something new happens to us in our lives.
A few surprising conclusions
If we consider what we discussed earlier, sometimes you can come to some really surprising conclusions. For example, we may discover that our brain is specifically designed to make us fear both good and bad changes in our lives. This in turn means that our brain likes to feel "safe" and confident in every possible situation.
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As a result, all kinds of changes in life or even a new experience are associated with the need to leave our comfort zone. As a result, our psyche may develop overwhelming feelings of fear. Well, once we think it over in more detail, it suddenly all becomes logical. Now you surely know perfectly well that your brain is terrified of any change in life, right?
On the other hand, the excess adrenaline we produce to be able to face all the changes can even confuse our brain. This, in turn, will make him associate changes in life with feelings of distrust or even anger. However, we must remember that this chemical activation helps us prepare for new circumstances and deal with new situations.
Therefore, all changes, even those we fear the most, bring with them a certain melancholy and resignation.
Make some life change whenever possible
The American writer, poet and philosopher Henry David Thoreau once very aptly stated that some things do not change. Rather, we change or we change certain things in our lives. Simply following the path through life, whether we like it or not, affects us in quite a significant way. Moreover, it transforms us in one way or the other.
The sooner we accept these changes in life, the better for us. And all because thanks to this such acceptance will help us manage any changes that we encounter on our way. In this way, we will not get stuck in the past or become deluded into the future. Ultimately, however, we will focus on our own life, here and now, in the present.
We are not the same person as we were last year. The people we love are not the same. We are all in the process of constant change. It's a really amazing feeling to be able to finally realize that no matter how much others change, we still appreciate them no matter what. But it is not everything. We should do exactly the same to ourselves.
Resisting changes in life is also a sign of weakness
Everyone's mental health depends on our overall capacity for personal development and our ability to adapt to circumstances. Clinging to all kinds of rigid frames and primitive plans will only make us accumulate a sense of suffering and hopelessness. That is why we should not in any way rely on the possibility of learning from our mistakes and experiences. And without fear of introducing all kinds of changes in your life in this way.
The willingness to avoid change simply manifests our desire to stay in our comfort zone. This is the hypothetical area where we don't have to face our own fears at all. However, changes in life require in many cases an attempt to confront our uncertainty.
We will also need to be aware that either way we will feel anxious and insecure once we do. But the targets on the horizon are undoubtedly worth the risk.
On the other hand, if someone is particularly reluctant about any change in life, it may mean that they do not want to take responsibility for their problems. In other words, he is afraid of her. Instead, he prefers to blame everyone else for the mistakes he makes.
This is definitely an easier attitude than having your own problems and trying to find solutions for them. However, you must remember that this attitude is very effective in keeping you from moving forward.