Lost your job? Then you bounce back
uncertain. In Fast Company, career experts provide some tips on how to handle a difficult situation. Lost your job? Then you bounce back.

Lost your job and income is hard, but it is possible to come back - and maybe even get a career situation that is better. There are often no quick fixes when the safe everyday life collapses and the financial situation becomes more uncertain. In Fast Company, career experts provide some tips on how to handle a difficult situation. Lost your job? Then you bounce back.
Do not stress
Losing a job and a livelihood is serious and can feel daunting, but making good decisions in a panic is seldom a good idea. Admit to yourself that what happened is a big deal. Take the time you need to process the situation before you can start looking ahead.
Gather support
You probably need support in the situation. Therefore, surround yourself with people who make you feel better, and who can also act as a sounding board and give advice. When you are ready to take the next step, you can contact friends or colleagues you trust to practice interviews, for example.
Skewed perception of reality
When we go through traumatic events, we may find it difficult to think clearly and objectively. It is easy to take the job loss personally even if there are completely different reasons behind it. But negative thoughts will not help you. Try to redirect your energy by talking to a friend, writing down your thoughts or seeking professional support.
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See your successes
You have probably encountered challenges before and gotten through them. Remind yourself of that now. Check out work that others have praised you for and that you felt proud of. Seeing your value helps you feel better and see new opportunities.
New opportunities
Challenging times can lead to something good in the end. It's a chance to try something new, so try to be open to opportunities and spend some time figuring out what you really want to do next. Think about whether this is the time to make a career change you have been thinking about for a long time, but have not done anything about.
Focus on what you can do
You can not control the labor market or the time it takes to find a new job. However, you can, for example, update your CV and fix the LinkedIn profile. You can also go through your budget, see if it is possible to save money and engage in activities that make you feel better. Then the focus is not on the impossible, but on what you can control for the moment.